A guide to using this support portal

A guide to using this support portal


At CRU, we have set up a new support experience in line with our recent website updates and new development processes. Already we have seen a significant decrease in our tickets. To enhance our assistance to our clients, we have implemented the following:

Our new support portal and the new options for raising tickets should aid CRU in identifying issues faster, leading to better response and resolution times. If tickets are raised through the front end or the dashboard of your website (not the new portal), our developers can see:
  1. Browser and browser version
  2. Any website console errors (this is a new tool to CRU, excellent for making sure our sites are error-free!)
  3. If using the draw or the video tool, we can see exactly what the issue is and on which page/product.
  4. Screen resolution
  5. Window size

Note: Currently, using drawing or video tools can be used to initiate a ticket. However, they cannot be used to create a reply to an existing ticket. We please ask for you to continue to reply to existing tickets through the portal as not to create multiple tickets. Of course, we understand this isn't ideal and we are working on a resolution. Part of our support portal has multiple systems including new internal systems - there are a lot of great features that outweigh this matter. 

Warning: Emergency priority level, can only be submitted via tickets that are created within the Support Portal and not via email or your website

Submitting, viewing and managing tickets/issues from within the support portal


To raise a ticket from within the support portal, click on the “Submit a ticket” button in the header menu. You can click on the “Tickets” text under the icon from the home page, which will take you to ‘My Area’ where you can see your Open, Closed and On Hold tickets as well as your other team member tickets.

My Area


Viewing ‘My Area’ gives you access to tickets that you have created, when they were created and if they are Open, Closed or On Hold.

If you have other team members submit tickets from within your organisation, you will be able to toggle to their tickets as well to get a full view of ALL tickets raised to CRU by your organisation. If you know of another staff members tickets from within your organisation and cannot view it on this page, please let us know.

You can also raise tickets from this page by clicking the ‘Add ticket’ button.

Submitting a ticket


Before submitting a ticket, please make sure you select the correct form/department as these tickets filter through to the relevant developer/support agent. Any tickets that are submitted to the incorrect department may take longer to reply. For example, if you have an urgent ticket for an issue with your payment gateway and you submit it via the General Enquiry form, it likely wont be answered for a few hours.


Once you have clicked the corresponding form/department, fill out the form with as much detail as possible.

On the Submit a Ticket form, you will have an opportunity to add a sub category so that we can ascertain the issue quickly. If you do not see the category your issue falls under, please assign it to “other” and we will create a new category if necessary.


The next main field is the Priority field.


To understand how CRU determine the ticket priority, and understand it yourself for you to select the correct priority when raising tickets, please view  here.

Please note: Tickets submitted with the incorrect corresponding priority level, CRU will be reassign to the correct level.

If you have any attachments, you can attach files up to 20MB. 

Once you have completed all the required fields, you can submit the ticket.

Raising tickets via your Wordpress dashboard

This guide hows how to raise a ticket directly from the dashboard of your website.

Unlike the front end support button, the dashboard support button can be activated by clicking the CRU Support link in the top dashboard toolbar. 

Once clicked, the blue Client Support button will appear. If you find that it is not activating on your website, please submit a ticket to let us know. 


Once clicked there will be a pop up in the centre of the screen that will allow you to:

  1. Draw on the screen to highlight any issues or requests (for front end of the website only)
  2. Capture video
  3. General feedback for the page that you have clicked the Client Support widget on
  4. To navigate to the CRU support portal to raise tickets or view open and past tickets and the Knowledge Base Articles and Community area.


Using the Draw Tool


Click on the ‘Draw on the screen’ button to open the toolbar.


Use the toolbar to:
  • Highlight an area
  • Draw
  • Create a line
  • Create an arrow
  • Block out an area
  • Apply text

Once you have finished marking up the page you are raising a ticket for, click the ‘Next’ button to complete further details and submit.


Click on the plus button to add extra marked up screenshots


To Submit, complete your details including any comments to support your screens.

Using Capture Video Tool

screenshot-montalto.com.au-2021.02.09-11_45_10 (1).png

Once selected, a small control bar will appear in the left hand corner of your website.


This tool bar allows you to toggle sound on/off, pause, record or cancel.

To start recording, click on the record button (square with the red dot). You may be asked to allow access to your devices microphone. Click on the pause button to pause the recording. To finish, you may click the red button.


Complete the form as detailed in the above sections and submit the ticket plus any attachments to support. support.

Submitting general feedback for the page

screenshot-montalto.com.au-2021.02.09-11_45_10 (3).png

Click the General feedback button


To Submit, complete your details including any comments.

Access the support portal

Simply click on the Support Portal button and you will be directed to the portals login page. To learn how to use the portal, please click here.

screenshot-montalto.com.au-2021.02.09-11_45_10 (4).png

Raising tickets via your websites front end

This guide shows how to raise a ticket directly from the front end of your website.

To initiate the Client Support link, there will be a “website support” text which is clickable, located in your website footer.


Once this linked text is clicked, the page will either open a popup, or it will refresh the page with a new widget at the bottom of your screen that looks like the below:


This new button on the bottom of your page is set to your browsers cookies. Your customers will not be able to view this button. To remove it, you can clear your browsers cookies.

Note: You can switch to a customer using the Switch-To tool and if you have initiated the support button, you will still be able to view and use it.

Once clicked there will be a pop up in the centre of the screen that will allow you to:

  1. Draw on the screen to highlight any issues or requests (for front end of the website only)
  2. Capture video
  3. General feedback for the page that you have clicked the Client Support widget on
  4. To navigate to the CRU support portal to raise tickets or view open and past tickets and the Knowledge Base Articles and Community area.


Using the Draw Tool:


Click on the ‘Draw on the screen’ button to open the toolbar.


Use the toolbar to:
  • Highlight an area
  • Draw
  • Create a line
  • Create an arrow
  • Block out an area
  • Apply text

Once you have finished marking up the page you are raising a ticket for, click the ‘Next’ button to complete further details and submit.


Click on the plus button to add extra marked up screenshots


To Submit, complete your details including any comments to support your screens.

Using Capture Video Tool:

screenshot-montalto.com.au-2021.02.09-11_45_10 (1).png

Once selected, a small control bar will appear in the left hand corner of your website.


This tool bar allows you to toggle sound on/off, pause, record or cancel.

To start recording, click on the record button (square with the red dot). You may be asked to allow access to your devices microphone. Click on the pause button to pause the recording. To finish, you may click the red button.


Complete the form as detailed in the above sections and submit the ticket plus any attachments to support. support.

Submitting general feedback for the page:

screenshot-montalto.com.au-2021.02.09-11_45_10 (3).png

Click the General feedback button


To Submit, complete your details including any comments.

Access the support portal:

Simply click on the Support Portal button and you will be directed to the portals login page. To learn how to use the portal, please click here.

screenshot-montalto.com.au-2021.02.09-11_45_10 (4).png

Emailing support tickets

Our new support system still allows for tickets to be submitted via email. Until we finalise the rollout, to submit a new ticket via email to the new support system please use  help@cru.io. Once we have completed the rollout, it will revert back to  support@cru.io

Please note: When raising tickets via email, priorities are not support with email submissions as our system is not capable of automatically recognising them, nor do they automatically assign to the correct CRU department.

Priority Issue Levels

The table below shows the priority assigned to issues according to the perceived importance of the reported situation



  1. Server Down for 1 hour or more
  2. DNS or DDOS Hack
  3. Site Hacked
  4. Credit Card Breach
  5. Shopping Cart not Functional
  6. Events that result in major financial implication
  • Intermittent server performance issues
  • Integration with backend business system failure that causes loss of revenue
  • Serious design breakage that effects revenue
  • Incorrect product pricing on website (outside client control)
  • Campaign based issue that has legal or financial implications
  • 3rd-party payment gateway failure that effects revenue
  • Mobile template or application interface failure that effects revenue
  • Wordpress or plugin issues
  • Website latency or performance issues
  • Integration with backend business system failure that effects business process
  • Mobile template or application interface issue that effects functionality
  • 3rd Party extension, freight, order management or payment gateway limitation that effects functionality or business process
  • Design breakage that effects a visual element for all users
  • New extensions, functions and modules
  • Training and support
  • CRU TASK request that does not fall under the above categories
  • Plugin/feature questions 

Response, Diagnosis, and Target Resolution Times

Please check the new CRU Pricing page for response times based on your current plan level - here

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