


Customer can be created and synced both ways between Woocommerce and Abacus
  • Sync customers from Abacus to Woocommerce, Woocommerce to Abacus.
    • In Abacus create the customer and apply a price tag>creates the customer in Woocommerce with the corresponding Group which supports Dynamic Pricing for online discounts.
    • In Woocommerce, once an order has been created (if a subscription order the Group will be included in the sync)> creates the customer in Abacus including the corresponding price tag that maps to that specific Group
    • Create a new user in the Dashboard of Wordpress and assign a Group (or no Group)>creates the user in Abacus including the corresponding price tag that maps to that specific Group


To enable/disable navigate to CRU Abacus>Settings
screenshot-www.yering.com-2020.12.17-16_02_48 (2).png

To force sync, click the ‘Sync Now’ button and this will export all customer from Woocommerce into Abacus.
To force sync any missed customers from Abacus to Woocommerce, Navigate to CRU Abacus>Import Customers
Click on the date of the missed customers
It will show a list of missed customers
image (7).png

  • Set the date of the new user/customer created in Abacus
  • Click the 'Retrieve' button,
  • A new list will be shown
  • Check the checkboxes of the button or a certain customer
  • Click the bulk actions field select the option 'Get Customer' and click the 'Apply' button


Orders (including the customer data) can be synced between Abacus and Woocommerce both ways.
Please note, there is no control over excluding the sales data from the order synced to both platforms.


Navigate to CRU Abacus>Settings

Check the checkboxes to turn on the sync. You can also force sync from Woocommerce to Abacus by clicking the ‘Sync Now’ button