Adding free shipping class and its rate

Adding free shipping class and its rate

Adding free shipping class and its rate

  • 1-4 Navigate through Woocommerce → Settings → Shipping → Shipping classes
  • click Add shipping class
  • input your shipping class name i.e. Free Shipping
  • input your slug. Should be in small letters and no spaces. You can use “-” as separator. This step is optional. Slug can be auto generated
  • input your description. This is also optional
  • Click Save shipping classes to save your changes
  • after saving the shipping class, click on shipping zones
  • Click the shipping zones you want to add free shipping

  • Using Table rate shipping
- Click on Table Rate
- Click Add Shipping Rate to add a new shipping rate for the new class
- Select your newly created shipping class on the drop down which in this case the Free Shipping class
- tick this checkbox so that it will not look on other shipping options when it meets the condition
- make sure the values on these fields were 0
- input your shipping option label
- make your free shipping class as top priority for the shipping calculations. Or depends on your choice
- Save all changes by click Save changes button
  • Using Flat rate shipping
- Click on Flat rate
- If the cost field (see #15) is not 0, add the value on this field (No shipping class cost). If the Cost value is 0, skip this step
- Make sure that Free shipping class has 0 value
- Make sure the Cost value is 0
- Change your calculation type depending on your preference
- save your changes by clicking Save changes button

Adding free shipping class to product
  • On the edit product page, click shipping tab
  • Change shipping class to Free shipping
  • save you changes by clicking Update button
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