Adding Free Shipping to an Existing Zone

Adding Free Shipping to an Existing Zone


If you already have your shipping zones set up and you want to add or change the free shipping rules, see the below instructions:

  • On the shipping zone list, click the zone you want to add free shipping
  • Click Add shipping method button
  • Select Free shipping on the drop down
  • Click Add shipping method button
  • Click the newly added Free shipping method
  • Edit the method title if you want to for better identification
  • Select the rules you want in order for this free shipping to be available and fill up the necessary added rules. Select N/A if no rules required.
  • Click Save changes button
To add Minimum Order and coupon conditions, select from the dropdown.

In this example, we select "A minimum order amount OR a coupon".
Where minimum order applies before a coupon.

Table rate setup

If your site is using Woocommerce Role Based Methods, follow the steps below
  • Navigate through Woocommerce → Role based Methods → Shipping Methods
  • Make sure that you ticked your new added shipping options to roles that has access on this method. On this example we added Free shipping that has a Valid free shipping coupon rule
  • Also, tick the groups that can access the method
  • Click the Save Changes button

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