Adding shipping zone limited to postcodes

Adding shipping zone limited to postcodes

This guide takes you through setting up postcodes as shipping zones and either setting a flat cost or per zone. You can also set rules around how the cart quantities can dictate different shipping costs. 

If your store has different shipping methods set up and the below screenshots do not match your configuration and you want to implement the below, please raise a ticket and quote this article.

Setting Up Postcode shipping zones

  • Once inside your WordPress dashboard, go to WooCommerceSettingsShipping.
  • Select Add Shipping Zone
  • Enter the Zone Name
  • Select Limit to Specific ZIP/postcodes
  • Add the postal codes for the specific Zone. Add 1 postcode per line
  • Click Add Shipping Method
  • Choose Flat Rate if shipping has no other rules involved like cart quantities or cart cost, select Free Shipping if it is free and select Table rates for shipping has other rules involved like cart quantities or cart cost

Flat Rate - Used for shipping with no other rules involved like cart quantities or cart cost

  • Click the blue hyperlinked Flat Rate
  • If you have different shipping classes (see red box), we recommend to add the shipping costs individually if they have different rates. If they same rates, it is okay to put the shipping cost on the Cost row (see green box)
  • Click Save Changes button

Setting Free Shipping

  • Click the blue hyperlinked Free Shipping
  • Select the free shipping rule you want to add and fill up the necessary added rules. Select N/A if no rules required.
  • Click Save Changes button

Table Rate Shipping - Used for shipping with other rules involved like cart quantities or cart cost

  • Click Add Shipping Rate button to add rows on the table
  • The Green box is a sample of shipping that changes the rate ever 12 bottles of orders. You can select different rules under the Condition column like Item Count, Price and Weight.
Input the Min-Max value of the selected Condition for this row.
Add the Cost on the Row Cost Column and Add the Shipping Option under the Label column
  • Click Save changes button to save your changes

For site using Role Based Methods (can be seen under woocommerce on the admin dashboard), follow these steps
  • Navigate through Woocommerce → Role based Methods → Shipping Methods
  • Make sure that you ticked your new added shipping options to roles that has access on this method
  • also tick the groups that can access the method
  • Click Save Changes button

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