Bundled Products - User Guide

Bundled Products - User Guide

For pricing and how to add to your website see at the bottom of the page.


The Bundle type is a powerful alternative to the Grouped Product type. With Product Bundles, you can:
  • Add variable products to bundles and enable only specific variations, if needed.
  • Bundle multiple instances of the same product.
  • Set a min/max quantity for each bundled product, or define a lower/upper limit for the combined quantity of all bundled items.
  • Offer bulk quantity discounts and even give higher discounts to customers who purchase more items.
  • Control the visibility of individual items.
  • Choose between multiple layouts.

Additionally, the pricing and shipping features of the Bundle type make it suitable for use in a broad range of bundling applications.

Getting Started

Creating Bundles

To create a product bundle:
  1. Go to Products > Add New.
  2. Select the Product Bundle type in the Product Data panel.
  3. Go to the Bundled Products tab.
  4. Click Add Product and use the search field to find and add products to the bundle. Repeat as many times as needed, each time clicking on a search result to add it.
  5. Publish to save.

Every product you add under the Bundled Products tab has a dedicated set of options that allow you to control various parameters, such as its minimum and maximum quantity. These options are explained in Bundled Product Settings.

Note that it’s possible to bundle multiple instances of the same simple or variable product. This creates many possibilities — for example, you can bundle together multiple variations of the same variable product.

Supports simple products, variable products and simple/variable subscriptions. Grouped and external products are not supported and cannot be bundled.

Product bundles cannot be bundled. Additionally, bundles will not work correctly when added to Grouped products.

Product Bundles in the Cart

When a bundle is added to the cart, it creates:

  1. A parent line item.
  2. Some child line items grouped under it — one for each bundled item.

This approach makes it possible to define a base price for an entire bundle, and/or to preserve the prices and tax rates of individual bundled items when needed.

Note: Looking for a way to hide the parent item in cart/order templates? Choose Item Grouping > None option.


The Product Bundle type allows you to:

  • set a base price for entire Product Bundles; and/or to
  • preserve the prices of individual bundled products.

Setting a Base Price

To set the base price of a bundle:

  1. Go to Products > All Products and select the bundle you wish to edit.
  2. Select the General tab in the left menu.
  3. Enter a Regular Price and if needed, a Sale Price.
  4. Update.

If you only set a base price for a bundle, its configuration will have no effect on its price.

The Happy Ninja Bundle

The Happy Ninja Bundle - in cart

Configuring The Happy Ninja Bundle

Assigning a static price to the bundle

Preserving Bundled Item Prices

To preserve the price and tax rate of a bundled product:
  1. Locate the bundled item under Product Data > Bundled Products.
  2. Tick the Priced Individually box in the Basic Settings section.
When Priced Individually is enabled, it is also possible to define a % Discount. Discounts provide an incentive for purchasing items in bulk and/or purchasing optional “add-ons”, such as accessories.
The Priced Individually checkbox.

Priced Individually usually needs to be checked if the quantity of a bundled item is configurable — this is common when selling items in bulk.

The Bulk Discount Deck Pack bundle.
The Bulk Discount Deck Pack bundle – in the cart.
Configuring the Bulk Discount Deck Pack bundle.

The General options panel.


Bundled Products With Empty Prices

All products contained in a bundle must have a price set, even when Priced Individually is disabled. WooCommerce does not allow products with a blank price to be purchased

Controlling the Visibility of Bundled Item Prices
When Priced Individually is enabled, the bundled product price is visible in i) the product details page of the bundle, ii) the cart and iii) order details by default. To change this behaviour, use the Price Visibility options found in the Advanced Settings tab.

Individual Pricing and Cart/Order Totals
When the Grouped selection is active under Item Grouping, the subtotal displayed next to the parent cart/order item includes the subtotals of any individually-priced child items. This behaviour can be changed with this snippet (please contact CRU if you require this modification. Please note charges will apply).

Bundling Subscription Products

When a Subscription product is added to a bundle, the Subscription product must be Priced Individually if you would like a subscription to be created. Otherwise, the Subscription product will be treated as a one-time purchase (this does not include CRU Club)



From a shipping perspective, WooCommerce products are classified as:

  • Physical (non-virtual) — products that need to be physically shipped or picked up.
  • Virtual — services or digital items that do not require shipping.

Product bundles can contain both physical and virtual products. However, their most significant shipping property is whether they require assembly or not. Consider this example:

Woo Tech is using WooCommerce to sell computers online. Its entry-level desktop PC, Woo Basic, is assembled from a list of inventory-managed components. Once a Woo Basic PC is assembled, the original packaging of the assembled components is discarded, and the PC is packaged and shipped in one box along with all product manuals and accompanying material.

Therefore, from a shipping point of view, physical bundles are classified as assembled or unassembled:

  • Assembled bundles consist of multiple products that are physically assembled in a common container.
  • Unassembled bundles group together some products that do not require assembly.
Assembled vs. Unassembled bundles
Assembled vs. Partially Assembled vs Unassembled bundles.


To configure a bundle for shipping, follow these steps:

  1. Determine if the bundle you are creating is an assembledunassembled, or partially assembled one:
    • Assembled bundles, such as the build-to-order Woo Basic PC we saw earlier, are shipped in a single box.
    • Unassembled bundles are collections of products that do not require assembly. Their shipping properties (weight, dimensions) are preserved.
    • Partially assembled bundles have a common physical container. Some bundled items are assembled in it, and some are shipped in their original boxes.

    Bundles that consist of Virtual products fall into the Unassembled category.

  2. Navigate to the Shipping tab in the left menu, and choose a Bundle Type. There are two options to choose from: Assembled or Unassembled. If your bundle is a partially assembled one, choose the Assembled option at this point.
    Choosing a Bundle TypeAssembled or Unassembled.
  3. If you selected the Assembled option in the previous step, go on and configure the WeightDimensions and Shipping Class of the common container.

    If your assembly has a static weight, choose the Assembled Weight > Ignore option. If you prefer to calculate its weight dynamically, choose the Assembled Weight > Preserve option. When Preserve is selected, the Weight field is treated as a container weight, and the weight of the assembly is calculated by adding:

    • the specified container Weight; and
    • the weight of all assembled bundled items.
  4. If your bundle is partially assembled, go to the Bundled Products tab and enable Shipped Individually for every bundled product that does not require assembly.

    The Shipped Individually checkbox.

    Shipped Individually does not mean “split across different shipments”. For example, a Desktop PC may include some assembled parts, but it may also come with an external monitor that is shipped in its own box, in the same shipment. In this scenario, the monitor will need to be set up as Shipped Individually.

Notes on External Order Fulfillment, Shipping and Inventory Management Services

The shipping configuration options of the Bundle type allow shipping methods and other business logic that relies on the WooCommerce Shipping API to calculate shipping costs accurately.

WooCommerce gives developers a lot of flexibility to customise the shipping properties of the items contained in the cart: When you add an assembled bundle to the cart, it is seen by WooCommerce as a single physical item with an aggregated value and weight. Shipping costs are calculated based on this physical representation.

However, this flexibility is not preserved when working with order data. If you are using an external fulfillment, shipping, or inventory management service that reads order data from WooCommerce, please be aware that an assembled bundle may not be imported as a single item.

Product Bundles provides an API that allows developers to modify the physical representation of your bundles when synchronising order data with external systems. If you require this. Please submit a ticket through our support portal

Bundled Product Settings

Every product you add under the Bundled Products tab reveals a dedicated set of options. These are divided in two tabs: Basic Settings and Advanced Settings.

Basic Settings

Min Quantity and Max Quantity — Used to define an allowed quantity range for the bundled product: Customers are able to choose any quantity within the specified min/max range. Leave the Max Quantity field blank for an unlimited maximum value.

Optional — When enabled, customers may choose whether to include the bundled product in their bundle or not.

Filter Variations — Makes it possible to make specific variations available for purchase. Applicable to variable products only.

Override Default Selections — Used for overriding the pre-selected attribute values of bundled variable products.

Adding Individual Variations

To add a single variation to a Bundle without requiring customers to choose attributes, Filter Variations must be used in combination with Override Default Selections:
Enable Filter Variations and search for a variation, then add it.
Enable Override Default Selections and choose specific values for all variation attributes. This step is necessary if you want to hide the attribute selection drop-downs of this bundled product — even if the active variation is already mapped to specific attribute values.

Adding a single variation to a Bundle.

Priced Individually — Adds the price of the bundled product to the base bundle price. With the option enabled, a Discount can be defined. Both options are documented in the Pricing section.

Shipped Individually — Controls how the bundled product is shipped in relation to the entire bundle (assembled or unassembled) when Bundle Type > Assembled is chosen under Product Data > Shipping. Documented in the Shipping section.

Advanced Settings

Visibility — Controls the visibility of the bundled product: i) in the single product page of the bundle, ii) in the cart/checkout pages, and iii) when displaying order details (including order details displayed in e-mail notifications).

Visibility in Payment Gateway Transactions
Marking a bundled product as hidden in the order/e-mail templates will not prevent payment gateways from listing it in their transaction details archives and customer notification e-mails.

Price Visibility — Controls the visibility of the bundled product price: i) in the product details page of the bundle, ii) in the cart and iii) when displaying order details. Applicable when Priced Individually is ticked.

Override Title and Override Short Description — Used for modifying or hiding the original titles and/or short descriptions of bundled products. Note that overridden product titles will replace the original product titles in all template locations, including the cart/checkout and order details.

Hide Thumbnail — Controls the visibility of bundled product thumbnails, displayed by default when viewing the single-product details page of a bundle.


The Layout option controls the appearance of bundled product details in single-product pages. There are 3 alternatives to choose from: StandardTabular and Grid.

Choosing a Layout.

The Tabular option is recommended for bundles that contain multiple bundled products with configurable quantities as it makes viewing/comparing item quantities easier.

Choosing a Bulk Discount Deck Pack bundle layout: Standard (top) vs Tabular (centre) vs Grid (bottom).

Form Location

Most WooCommerce-compatible WordPress themes default to a two-column product page layout: The first column contains the main product image and gallery, while the second one is reserved for product details and options. This space-conserving approach works well for Simple and Variable products, which usually contain only a few form elements.

Product Bundles tend to have busier forms that require multiple steps/interactions to complete. Sometimes you may find that your theme’s two-column layout makes Product Bundles look space-constrained and hard to interact with. Some themes may allow you to modify the layout of individual product pages to display product details and options in a single column. Please raise a ticket with CRU if you require any changes.

  • allocating more width to product form content, or
  • stacking product form content below the main product image and gallery.

If you are experiencing layout issues with a Product Bundle and your theme does not provide any per-product layout options:

  1. Navigate to Product Data > Bundled Products.
  2. Locate the Form Location option.
  3. Choose Before Tabs to stack form content after the product image and summary.
In most cases, choosing Before Tabs will allocate the entire page width to the form contents of your Bundle.

The Before Tabs option is not guaranteed to work reliably with all themes!

Item Grouping

The Item Grouping option controls the visibility and indentation of parent/child line items in cart/order templates:

Grouped — Bundled items in cart/order templates are grouped under a parent line item named after the product bundle itself. Bundled items are indented and bundled item quantities are kept in sync with the quantity of their parent. Must be selected when creating assembled bundles and/or bundles with a base price.

When the Grouped option is active, the subtotals of parent/child line items in cart/order templates are added together and the actual subtotal of the parent item is replaced by the aggregated subtotal. Additionally, the subtotals of individually-priced items are indented and displayed with a Subtotal: prefix. This behaviour can be changed with a snippet of code - please reach out to CRU support.

Flat — Similar to Grouped, however instead of being indented, bundled cart/order items include a reference to the bundle they belong to.

None — Hides the parent item in all cart/order templates. Bundled cart/order items include a reference to the bundle they belong to. Makes Bundles resemble Grouped Products in all customer-facing templates.

Important: None only works with unassembled bundles without a base (static pricing) price. To choose None:
The Unassembled Bundle Type needs to be selected under Product Data > Shipping.
The Regular/Sale Price fields must be blank.
At least one bundled item must be Priced Individually.
When None is active, a bundle can be purchased only if at least one bundled item is included or selected

Bundle Size

With Product Bundles, you can create and sell personalised bundles with a fixed or variable number of “slots”, such as cases of wine, six-packs of soap, or candy boxes.

To create a pick-and-mix bundle, use the Min Bundle Size and Max Bundle Size options to define the minimum and/or maximum quantity of products that customers must choose to purchase their personalised bundle.

Cart Editing

Configurable bundles, such as thBulk Discount Deck Pack bundle, can be edited from the cart page by enabling the Edit in Cart option.

The Edit in Cart checkbox.

When Edit in Cart is enabled for the Bulk Discount Deck Pack bundle, an additional “Edit” link is appended to its title in the cart. Following this link allows you to reconfigure the bundle using its current configuration as a starting point. When finished, click Update Cart to replace the configuration in your cart with the new one.

Editing a bundle from the cart page.


You have probably seen bundle-sells before: Much like a cross-sell, a bundle-sell is an offer to purchase a helpful add-on along with the currently viewed product.

Grip tape — an ideal bundle-sell with new skateboard decks!

Compared to cross-sells, bundle-sells are easier to discover and convert immediately. This makes them ideal for recommending optional items that are:

  • frequently bought (and tightly coupled) with the viewed product;
  • lower in cost; and
  • usually high in margin.

Product Bundles lets you add bundle-sells to any existing product:

  • Go to the Products admin page.
  • Edit a product that you consider a good candidate for offering bundle-sells.
  • Go to Product Data > Linked Products and locate the Bundle-sells field.
  • Search for an optional product to recommend and add it.
  • Repeat, if needed.
  • Enter a Bundle-sells title below, e.g. “Frequently Bought With…”.
  • Optionally, to provide an extra incentive, enter a Bundle-sells discount.
  • Remember to Update the product to save your changes.

Only Simple and Simple Subscription products can be offered as Bundle-sells.

Need to offer a Variable product as a Bundle-sell of a Simple product? There is a workaround:
Convert the Simple product to a Product Bundle.
Go to Product Data > Bundled Products.
Add the Variable product.
Tick the Optional, Priced Individually and Shipped Individually boxes.

Adding a Bundle-Sell to an existing product.

Managing Inventory

The sale of a product in a bundle has the same effect on its stock as an individual sale. If the stock quantity of a bundled product drops below the minimum quantity specified in the bundle, then the bundle appears with an Insufficient Stock status and cannot be purchased.

Monitoring Bundled Product Stock

A product appearing as In stock in your catalogue may not have enough stock to cover the requirements of every bundle that contains it. For example, if the Minimum Quantity defined for a bundled product in one or more bundles is higher than its remaining stock, then these bundles will not be available for purchase.

To monitor bundled product stock, navigate to WooCommerce > Reports > Stock > Insufficient stock. This report gives you an overview of all products you have added in Bundles that fail to satisfy the stock/quantity requirements of their container.

Inventory Settings

The sale of a product in a bundle has the same effect on its stock as an individual sale. Product bundles that contain items with insufficient stock appear with an Insufficient Stock status and cannot be purchased.

At the same time, bundles can have their own SKU, and manage inventory for it. The ability to manage stock at bundle level is useful if a limited resource prevents you from assembling or fulfilling an unlimited number of bundles within a given period. For example, if you decided to sell complete skateboards, you would quickly notice that the number of skateboards you can ship every day depends on: (i) the time it takes to assemble a skateboard, and (ii) the size of your fulfillment team.

Overview and pricing of this feature. Click here

Troubleshooting this feature? Click here

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