Checking if there are double orders or double payment

Checking if there are double orders or double payment

From time to time, some customers, or you and your team, may think payment has gone through twice.

There are some steps you can check to see if this has occurred.

By checking payment Gateway

As clients may use different payment gateways, we will look to set up individual guides for the more commonly used gateways. For now, log into your payment gateway, search for the customer and check the payment entries

By checking the order list

  • Navigate through Woocommerce → Orders
  • Make sure you are on the All tab
  • Search the email of the customer having double order. It will then list all the orders the customer made. See if there are doubles on the list

By checking email logs

  • Navigate through Tools → CRU MU
  • Click the WP Mail Logging tab
  • Click Email Log
  • Search the email address of the customer having double order. It will then list all the emails sent to the specified email address. See if there are order emails sent in a small difference of time.

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