Google Product Feed - User Guide

Google Product Feed - User Guide

For pricing and how to add to your website see at the bottom of the page.

Setting up your feed in Google Merchant Centre

Configure your Google Merchant Centre account

The first thing to do, before you import your feed for the first time is to make sure that you’ve set up appropriate tax and shipping settings. Google will use these to apply appropriate shipping and taxes to your product ads based on the visitor viewing the ad.

If you don’t configure these before importing your feed then the import may fail due to missing shipping/tax information, so it’s easier to get these set up first.

Settings for both shipping, and taxes can be found under the “tools” popup menu in your Google Merchant Centre account in the top navigation.

Get your feed URL

Your feed URL is given on the plugin settings page. You can find these in your WordPress admin area by going to WooCommerce » Settings » Product Feeds.

The available feed URLs appear in the Active feeds section as per the screenshot below.

Make a note of this URL as you’ll need it when you set up the feed in Google Merchant Centre.

Out-of-the-box, the plugin is configured with a standard Google Product Feed covering all categories in your store. To create additional feeds (for example inventory feeds, or review feeds) use the “Manage feeds” link below the active feeds list.

You can also use the Manage feeds page to edit existing feeds, for example to limit which categories are included, or exclude specific categories from your feed.

Create your feed in Google Merchant Centre

In your Merchant Centre account:

  • Choose Products from the left hand menu
  • Click on Feeds in the sub-menu
  • Click the “+” button below the Primary Feeds header

  • You’ll get a form where you can set up your feed settings
  • Select Products as the feed type
  • Select your target country (and language if your target country has multiple possible languages)

  • Click on Continue
  • On the next step, enter woocommerce.xml as the feed name
    Note: If you need to set up multiple feeds then the names must be unique, you can actually use whatever name you want here
  • Choose Scheduled fetch as the input method, and click on Continue

  • On the next step fill in the following:
    • woocommerce.xml as the file name
      • Note: if you’re setting up multiple feeds (e.g. for partial, or category feeds), just pick any unique name here
    • Select Daily as the fetch frequency
    • An appropriate fetch time – for most stores this doesn’t matter, but if you run automated updates – or manually update products at a certain type of day then you should set this after that time so that Google are picking up the latest information
    • For the file URL use the URL you noted from the plugin settings page, e.g.,

  • Click  Continue, and the feed will be created, and you’ll be taken back to the feed list

To perform the first fetch of your feed, select the newly created feed, choose the menu in the top right, and click Fetch Now.

Google will fetch your feed – this may take up to 15 minutes to complete

Once Google has fetched your feed, the feed page will show you details of how many products have been imported, and any data issues with the feed. For dealing with data quality (such as missing, or incorrect data), see the support article on setting product data.

Setting product data

Out of the box, the Google Product Feed extension maps as much information from your products into the feed as it can. However, you will probably need to add additional feeds, or set up mappings depending on how you have your product data configured in your store, and Google’s guidelines for your target country.

How values are determined for feed fields

When your products are output in your feed, the plugin looks in a number of different places to decide what values to output for each field. This gives you a lot of control over how you can set up your data. The plugin looks in the following places:

  • If there is a specific value set against the product/variation for this field (Under Product Feed Information on the edit product page)
  • If the field is set to prepopulate from an existing data item, and if the product has a value for that
  • If there is a value set on at the product’s categories
  • If there is a store-wide default set on the plugin settings page

This gives you the flexibility to set values at an appropriate level and attempts to minimise data-entry where possible by allowing defaults to be set at the store, or category level. However, you can always override with values at specific product (or variation) level to give you the most flexibility.

Choosing which fields are included

The main plugin settings page includes the settings you’ll need and can be found at WooCommerce » Settings » Product Feeds. The settings page contains a section titled “Feed fields to enable” where you can choose which fields you want to include in your feed. Simply check the checkbox next to any fields you want to include:

Once you’ve enabled a field you’ll want to decide how values for that field should be generated. This may include store-defaults, category level defaults, or pre-populating from an existing product field.

Setting a store-wide default for a field

When you enable a field on the settings page, if that field can be set store-wide, then you’ll also see a “Store default” field where you can provide a default value for the field. This will be used if nothing more specific has been set for a product. In this example we have set the brand to be Acme Inc. This will apply to all products in the field unless a more specific value has been provided against the category, or product.

Using an existing product field for a feed field

Certain feed fields can be pre-populated based on existing product data. If that’s the case, then you’ll see a field called “Use value from existing product field” when you enable the feed on the plugin settings page. This will allow you to set an existing product field, or taxonomy to use as the source for data.

The choices in this drop-down will depend on your store configuration.

In this example “Product Brand”, “Product Colour”, “Product Manufacturer” and “Product Pattern” are Product Attributes that have been defined as part of the store build. If we were to choose Product Brand to pre-populate from, but leave Acme Inc. as the default value, then the value of the Product Brand attribute would be used for products where it is set. However, for any products that don’t have a Product Brand set, then the default value (Acme Inc) will be used.

Setting feed values at category level

Some feed values will likely be the same for specific categories in your store. Common examples would include the Product Type, and Google Product Category fields. However, depending on how you arrange your products this could apply to many other fields as well.

Once you’ve enabled a field in the plugin settings, then you’ll see a data-entry field against the WooCommerce product where you can provide a value for that field that will apply to all products within that category.

In this example, the Google Product Category will be set to Hardware > Tools for all products in the Widgets category.

Setting values against products

For ultimate control, you can provide specific values against individual products. This is necessary for some product-specific values (such as MPN, and GTIN). However it can also be useful to override values for single products within a category. For example, if the brand of all but one of the products in a category should be Acme Inc, then you can set that against the category, and then just override the specific exception product with its own brand.

When you have enabled a field in the plugin settings, then you’ll see a field for that on the main product edit page within WooCommerce. The fields are grouped together in a meta-box called “Product Feed Information“.

You can also provide information against individual variations of variable products. The same fields are show if you expand a variation, and then expand the Product Feed Information bar within the variation:

Feed generation options

By default, the feed will include all eligible, supported products and variations. However, there are a number of options / techniques you can use to control what is included.

Including/excluding variations in your feed

If you have variable products in your store, then the feed creates an individual product output for each individual variation in the feed. If you want to disable this, and only include a single item representing all variations of a product, then you can do so on the plugin settings page (WooCommerce » Settings » Product Feeds).

At the bottom of the settings page is an option which you can de-select called “

If you do include variations, you may also be asked by Google to include the item_group_id element. You can also do this in the same section, the option will show if you have variations set to be included.

Note: This is disabled by default as it only applies in certain specific circumstances.

Creating partial feeds / limiting the items in your feed

Generating the product feed means that WordPress must load all product data in a single request, and it often takes more resources than an average page request. The feed generator tries to be as efficient as possible. But if you encounter issues, you may want to generate multiple partial feeds and submit each feed individually to Google.

You can generate a partial feed by including gpf_start and gpf_limit arguments in the feed URL. Example: If your full feed URL is, then you can generate a feed containing only the first 100 items by using the URL.


To submit multiple feeds, change the gpf_start value accordingly (without changing the gpf_limit). For example:


Adjust the gpf_limit value to one that your hosting can reliably handle.

Alternatively, you can create feeds for individual categories and split up your feed that way – see below.
Note: v7.1.0 of the plugin includes new features to generate feeds more efficiently. If you are having problems generating a full feed, you may like to checkout the new Feed item caching feature.

Creating a feed for specific categories

You can change which categories are included in your feed by editing the feed configuration which is available under WooCommerce » Product Feeds. Simply edit your chosen feed, and select “include products ONLY from…” as the category filter and specify the categories you want included in your feed.

Excluding categories from your feed

You can change which categories are included in your feed by editing the feed configuration which is available under WooCommerce » Product Feeds. Simply edit your chosen feed, and select “include all products EXCEPT from…” as the category filter and specify the categories you want excluded from your feed.

Creating a feed in a specific currency

If you have the WooCommerce Multi-Currency or Currency Switcher for WooCommerce extension then you can produce a feed in any of the currencies that you’ve enabled in the Multi-currency extension settings. To access a feed in a specific currency, simply add currency={currency_code} onto the end of your feed URL, e.g.

Template tags

The Google Product Feed plugin allows you to enter additional product data against products. Predominantly this is used for sending to Google in the product feed, however you may also want to display that same information on your product pages.

The plugin includes a number of template tag functions that can be used in your theme templates to output individual fields. There are examples of the various template functions below.
Note: This article requires version 7.2.1 or higher of the Google Product Feed plugin

Output a field without a label

This example shows how to output the value of the “GTIN” field for a product.
woocommerce_gpf_show_element( 'gtin' );

This will product output like this:


There’s no styling applied to this output by default, but there are CSS classes added so you can select the fields and style them how you want. This example produces the following markup:

<div class="woocommerce-gpf-element">
    <span class="woocommerce-gpf-element-value">valueofgtinhere</span>

If the field is a multi-value field with multiple values set, then the values will appear as a comma separated list, e.g.

value1, value2, value 3

Note: The template tags assumes that it is being used within the loop. If used outside of the loop, you should pass in the WordPress post object as the second parameter, e.g.

woocommerce_gpf_show_element( 'gtin', $post );

Output a field with a label

This example shows how to output the value of the “GTIN” field for a product, together with a field label.

woocommerce_gpf_show_element_with_label( 'gtin' );

This will product output like this:

Global Trade Item Number (GTIN): valueofgtinhere

There’s no styling applied to this output by default, but there are CSS classes added so you can select the fields and style them how you want. This example produces the following markup:

<div class="woocommerce-gpf-element">
    <span class="woocommerce-gpf-element-label">Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)</span>: 
    <span class="woocommerce-gpf-element-value">valueofgtinhere</span>

If the field is a multi-value field with multiple values set, then the values will appear as a comma separated list, and the label will only appear once, e.g.

Global Trade Item Number (GTIN): value1, value2, value 3

Note: The template tags assumes that it is being used within the loop. If used outside of the loop, you should pass in the WordPress post object as the second parameter, e.g.

woocommerce_gpf_show_element_with_label( 'gtin', $post );

Retrieve field values

If you just want to retrieve the value(s) of a field to control the output yourself, you can do so with the following function:

woocommerce_gpf_get_element_values( 'gtin' );

This will return an array of the values for that field for the current post, e.g.

Array ( [0] => mygtin [1] => othergtin )


Note: This is a Developer level section. If you are unfamiliar with code and resolving potential conflicts, select a WooExpert or Codable for assistance. We are unable to provide support for customizations under our  Support Policy.

Use the short product description instead of the description

If you’re using version 7.8.0 or higher, then the plugin provides options for choosing how to create the description in the feed. The correct option to choose will depend on how you’ve populated your product data.
The full list of available options is shown in the screenshot below:

The default option for new setups is “Main product description (full preferred) plus variation description“. For stores coming from older versions of the extension, they will be set to “Variation description only, fallback to main description (full preferred)” which matches the previous behaviour of the plugin.
If you’re on an older version of the plugin then you can use one of the snippets below to customise the description, although we’d recommend upgrading to version 7.8.0 or higher and using the built-in options as above.
If you’re using WooCommerce 3.0 or higher, use this snippet:

function lw_woocommerce_gpf_description_type( $type ) {
return 'short';
add_filter( 'woocommerce_gpf_description_type', 'lw_woocommerce_gpf_description_type' );

For WooCommerce 2.6.x or lower, use this snippet:

function lw_woocommerce_gpf_description( $description, $product_id, $variation_id = null ) {
global $post;
if ( ! is_null( $variation_id ) ) {
$ID = $variation_id;
} else {
$ID = $product_id;
$save_post = $post;
$post = get_post( $ID );
if ( ! empty( $post->post_parent ) ) {
$post = get_post( $post->post_parent );
setup_postdata( $post );
$excerpt = get_the_excerpt();
$post = $save_post;
return $excerpt;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_gpf_description', 'lw_woocommerce_gpf_description', 10, 3 );

Creating a bespoke description

If you need to completely customise the description used in the feed you can use the snippet below:

function lw_woocommerce_gpf_feed_item_google( $feed_item, $product ) {
// Modify $feed_item->description here.
return $feed_item;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_gpf_feed_item_google', 'lw_woocommerce_gpf_feed_item_google', 10, 2 );
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Populate the feed with custom values

You can add or override any element value with one of your own using the filters in the plugin. Here’s an example of populating the “brand” element from a custom field called supplier_brand_name:

function lw_woocommerce_gpf_add_brand( $elements, $product_id, $variation_id = null ) {
if ( ! is_null( $variation_id ) ) {
$id = $variation_id;
} else {
$id = $product_id;
$product = wc_get_product( $id );
$brand = $product->get_meta( 'supplier_brand_name' );
if ( ! empty( $brand ) ) {
$elements['brand'] = array( $brand );
return $elements;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_gpf_elements', 'lw_woocommerce_gpf_add_brand', 11, 3 );

Programatically excluding products

If you want to programmatically exclude products from the feed based on your own logic, the following snippet shows how to do so.

function lw_gpf_exclude_product( $excluded, $product_id, $feed_format ) {
// return TRUE to exclude this product
// return FALSE to include this product
// return $excluded to keep the standard behaviour for this product.
return $excluded;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_gpf_exclude_product', 'lw_gpf_exclude_product', 11, 3 );

Change the image size used in the feed

By default, the feed uses the “full” image style. If you want to send an alternative image size, you can adapt this snippet to change the image size used to any of the registered image sizes. This example sets it to the “shop_catalog” image size.

function filter_woocommerce_gpf_image_style( $style ) {
return 'shop_catalog';
add_filter( 'woocommerce_gpf_image_style', 'filter_woocommerce_gpf_image_style' );

Disable additional images from being included

The following snippet will cause only the single, main product image to be sent in the feed.

add_filter( 'woocommerce_gpf_include_product_gallery_images', '__return_false' );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_gpf_include_attached_images', '__return_false' );

Choose which images are sent

The extension automatically includes images in the feed, including:
  1. Variation image (on variable products)
  2. The “Product Image” set on the main product
  3. Any “Product Gallery” images added to the product
  4. Any other media files attached to the product in WordPress
The extension will automatically select the first image found from the above as the primary image to use in the feed. If you want to choose exactly which images are/aren’t included and which image is used as the primary image, then you can do so on the edit product page under Product Feed Information. By default, the plugin will show thumbnails of all images that have been found for that product, and indicate whether they are currently included, or excluded, and will indicate any primary image selected by marking with a star.
Screenshot of image management in Google Product Feed extension

Clicking on “Manage images” allows you to modify these settings. Changes you make will be automatically saved.

Image management in Google Product Feed extension

Register custom field for pre-population

The pre-population options in the extension do not include “hidden” meta, or custom fields by default. If you want to make a custom field available as a pre-population option then you can use the following snippet, simply replace “_my_custom_field” with the field name of your custom field.
Note: Once this snippet is in place, you will need to click on the “Refresh the field list” link on the settings page before it will be available to select as an option to select.

function lw_woocommerce_gpf_custom_field_list( $list ) {
// Register the _my_custom_field meta field as a pre-population option.
$list['meta:_my_custom_field'] = 'My custom field';
return $list;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_gpf_custom_field_list', 'lw_woocommerce_gpf_custom_field_list' );

Remove shipping weight from feed

If you want to remove the shipping weight from the feed you can do so with the following snippet:

function lw_exclude_shipping_weight( $feed_item ) {
$feed_item->shipping_weight = null;
return $feed_item;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_gpf_feed_item_google', 'lw_exclude_shipping_weight' );

Remove shipping dimensions from feed

The following snippet can be used to remove all shipping dimensions (length, width and height) from products in the feed:

function lw_gpf_remove_shipping_attrs($elements, $product_id) {
return $elements;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_gpf_elements_google', 'lw_gpf_remove_shipping_attrs', 11, 2 );

Hide attribute labels on variable product titles

When generating feed items for variable products, the extension generates unique titles for each variation by including attribute information in the feed title as per Google’s requirements. For example, a “Widget” available in 2 different colors and sizes might have its four items listed as:
  1. Widget (Size: Small, Color: Light)
  2. Widget (Size: Small, Color: Dark)
  3. Widget (Size: Large, Color: Light)
  4. Widget (Size: Large, Color: Dark)
If you have many attributes or complex attribute names on your variable products then this may generate overly long item titles. The extension will allow you to drop the attribute name (“Size” and “Color” in the previous example). This would generate titles like this:
  1. Widget (Small, Light)
  2. Widget (Small, Dark)
  3. Widget (Large, Light)
  4. Widget (Large, Dark)
To enable this behavior use the following snippet:

add_filter( 'woocommerce_gpf_include_attribute_labels_in_title', '__return_false' );

Modifying the title used in the feed

The plugin settings (WooCommerce » Settings » Product Feeds) allow you to choose what is used for the title in the feed. You can choose from the standard product title from WooCommerce, or any of the other supported fields.
As with other feed elements, you can also override the calculated title by supplying a title explicitly in the “Product Feed Information” section of the edit product page:

If you want to modify the title used in the feed programmatically, then the following code snippet shows how you can use a filter to do so.

Modifying the ID generated in the feed

The extension automatically generates a unique ID for every product in the feed that meets Google’s requirements for IDs. If you need to change this then you can do so with the following snippet, although we do not recommend this.
However: Changing the ID is not recommended as the value you choose for it must meet strict requirements including that it should be unique, and non-changing over time. As such values such as the SKU, or MPN aren’t recommended.
Note: Changing the ID format for an existing feed will result in duplicate products being created, with the new version requiring approval and validation before they can be used for product ads.

If you do still wish to change the ID, then the following snippet shows the filter you can use:

function lw_woocommerce_gpf_feed_item_google( $feed_item, $product ) {
// Modify $feed_item->guid here.
// Note, you may also need to update $feed_item->item_group_id if you have variable products.
return $feed_item;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_gpf_feed_item_google', 'lw_woocommerce_gpf_feed_item_google', 11, 2 );

Modifying the product URL sent in the feed

Sometimes you may want to customise the product URL sent in the feed for products. You can do this using the filter below, putting whatever logic in place to modify $feed_item->purchase_link to meet your needs.

function lw_woocommerce_gpf_feed_item_google( $feed_item, $product ) {
// Modify $feed_item->purchase_link here.
return $feed_item;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_gpf_feed_item_google', 'lw_woocommerce_gpf_feed_item_google', 10, 2 );

Google Product Review / Product rating feeds 

Version 7.7.0 of the extension adds support for Google’s Product Review Feeds.
This allows you to send a feed to Google with details of all of your customer reviews, which can then enhance your product listing ads.

Before you start

Before starting, you will need to apply to Google’s product review feed program.

Set up & configuration

You can create a product review feed in your WooCommerce settings, under WooCommerce > Product Feeds.
Click on “Add New”, and set the type to “Google merchant center product review feed”, e.g.
That’s the only configuration required on the WooCommerce side – just take a note of the feed URL shown after you save, as you’ll need it when setting up your review feed in Google Merchant Center.

Adding your feed to Google Merchant Centre

Once you’ve been accepted onto the Google Product Review program, and have enabled your feed, you’ll need to set it up inside Google Merchant Center.
  1. Log in to your Merchant Center account
  2. Go to: Product Reviews > Feeds
  3. Click the Add button

Enter the requested Basic information, and press Continue

Enter the feed name woocommerce-review.xml and make sure that Scheduled Fetch is selected before clicking Continue
Enter the filename, choose a fetch time, and enter the feed URL you noted earlier
Once that is completed, then Google will fetch and validate your feed and contact you if there are any issues.


If there are any issues with the feed file you uploaded, you can click on the feed name to get further details. A list of errors and warnings is provided, with a description of what is required to resolve the issue and examples of some items affected.
Generally resolving these will be a case of enabling a feed field, and providing data for it, or resolving data quality issues with the data being output. For information on setting up the values that go into the feed read the support article on Setting Product Data.
If you need to raise a support ticket about data issues from this page, then please be sure to include the full, exact error message, and at least one specific item ID that exhibits the error. The feed page includes a Download full report button which can be used to download a list of all errors/warnings.

My feed is missing tax

To account for tax on your products, configure tax rules in your Google Merchant Center account. You can find options in the Sales Tax menu item in the Tools menu in your Google Merchant Center Account

My feed is missing shipping information

Shipping rules need to be configured in your Google Merchant Center account. Shipping configuration is accessed from the “Delivery & returns” link in the Tools menu of your Google Merchant Centre account.
The feed includes shipping weights for products if you need to set up weight-based pricing. It’s not practical to provide shipping information in the feed itself. The feed can also be configured to send delivery_label information (which can be mapped to shipping classes in WooCommerce) if that helps you set up more accurate shipping information.

Insufficient product identifiers: Missing two out of three attributes [GTIN, Brand, MPN]

Google requires you to submit product identifiers for certain classes of products. The plugin supports all of the elements you need, however, which you use will depend on your store. You can enable any of the required fields (GTIN / Brand / MPN) on the plugin settings page (WooCommerce >Settings >Product Feeds) as well as setting defaults, or pre-population rules to pull in data from other fields (e.g. SKU). For more information on providing product data, see the article on Setting Product Data.

Google says my feed is missing “xxxxxx”

Verify that you selected the fields needed for your region and market sector on the Settings page found at WooCommerce >Settings >Product Feeds.
If you’re unsure what information to provide, read Google’s guidance at Product Feeds Specification. Once you know which fields are missing, read the support article on Setting Product Data.

Timeouts / “Extra content at the end of the document” errors

Generating the product feed means that WordPress must load all product data in a single request, and it often takes more resources than an average page request. The feed generator tries to be as efficient as possible but depending on the size and complexity of your store, and your chosen hosting environment, it may hit limits, either time limits, or memory limits.
If you do encounter issues, there are a number of things you can do:
Speak with your web host and see if the limits can be increased
Enable feed item caching
Ask Google to fetch per-category feeds for individual, or groups of categories rather than the full store
Submit partial/limited feeds to Google

Google says my feed is HTML and not the correct format

If you are hosted at WPEngine, they don’t allow Google to access URLs with query arguments. Instead, use a permalink-style URL.

My sale prices aren’t showing

Sale prices are included in the feed automatically and should feed through to Google Merchant Centre automatically.
However, Google Merchant Centre shows the “standard price” in most places, which can be confusing. However, if you view the details of an individual product in your Google Merchant Centre account you should be able to confirm that the sale price is present. Navigate to Products » All Products and click on a specific product. On the product, detail screen scroll down to the “Final Attributes” section, and you should see your sale price listed:

Screenshot of sale price in Google Merchant Centre

Extension compatibility

While the Google Product Feed extension tries its best to play nicely with other extensions there are some areas where specific integration can yield better results.
The extension has specific support for the following WooCommerce extensions:
  1. Brands
  2. Composite Products
  3. Cost of Goods
  4. Currency Switcher for WooCommerce
  5. Min/Max Quantities
  6. Mix & Match Products
  7. MSRP Pricing
  8. Multi-Currency
  9. Price by Country
  10. Product Bundles
  11. Product CSV Import Suite
  12. Product Vendors
If you have a query about compatibility with a specific extension, reach out with a support request.

Product bundles integration

Bundle products created with the WooCommerce Product Bundles extension will be included in the feed as long as a default configuration for the bundle exists, and is valid for submission.

Composite products integration

Composite products created with the WooCommerce Composite Products extension will be included in the feed as long as a default configuration exists, and is valid for submission.

Brands integration

If you’ve assigned brands to your products using the WooCommerce Brands extension, then those brands can automatically be pulled through into your Google Product Feed.

Cost of goods integration

If you’ve used the WooCommerce Cost of Goods extension to assign costs to your products then you can automatically feed those costs through to Google Merchant Centre, allowing you to gain insights about metrics, such as your gross margin and the amount of revenue generated by your Shopping ads.

Multi-currency integration

If you have the WooCommerce Multi-Currency extension then you can submit feeds to Google in any of the currencies that you have enabled in the multi-currency extension.
Choose the target country by adding a currency parameter to the feed URL with the required currency code, e.g.

Min/Max Quantities

If you have minimum purchase quantities set on your products using the WooCommerce Min/Max quantities extension, then the feed will automatically detect this, and ensure that the price sent to Google reflects the price to purchase the minimum quantity. So that Google properly understands your pricing, the plugin will also automatically send unit_pricing_measure and unit_pricing_base_measure information. For example, for a product priced at $1, and a minimum purchase quantity of 5, the feed would send:
      <g:price>5.00 USD</g:price>
      <g:unit_pricing_measure>5 ct</g:unit_pricing_measure>
      <g:unit_pricing_base_measure>1 ct</g:unit_pricing_base_measure>

Mix & Match Products

Mix & match products will be included in your feed automatically. Products, where the price is set on the bundle, will be priced according to the set price. Products, where the price is set based on the selected items, will be included in the feed based on the minimum available price of the product (the “from” price).

Price By Country

If you have the Price By Country extension then you can submit feeds to Google in any of the countries that you have enabled pricing for in the price by country extension. Choose the target country by adding a price country parameter to the feed URL with the required country code, e.g.

Product CSV Import Suite

There’s full support for WooCommerce Product CSV Import Suite allowing you to import data into any of the product feed data fields. The plugin also supports the import/export tool available in WooCommerce core version 3.1 or higher.

Product Vendors

If you are running the WooCommerce Product Vendors extension the Product Feed extension will automatically include any per-product shipping information that you add to the Google Product Feed.

Currency Switcher for WooCommerce

If you are running the Currency Switcher for WooCommerce extension, then you can generate currency-specific feeds which will include pricing in the specified currency, as well as ensuring that Google validates against product pages in the correct currency.
Choose the target country by adding a currency parameter to the feed URL with the required currency code, e.g.

MSRP Pricing

If you’re running the MSRP Pricing extension, then you can use the MSRP price field to populate any of the pre-populatable elements in the product feed by choosing the “MSRP from MSRP Pricing extension” option, e.g.

Unsupported extensions

Some extensions are known not to be supported, specifically:
WooCommerce Subscriptions: Google does not allow the listing of recurring payment products in Google Merchant Centre, so there is no support for WooCommerce Subscriptions at this time.
WooCommerce Bookings: Google does not allow the listing of event tickets, or services in Google Merchant Centre, so Google Product Feed is not currently compatible with WooCommerce Bookings as most use-cases would not be allowable. If you feel that your site would benefit from this, vote to add it to our Ideas Board: Doing this lets our developers know what solutions customers need, and then prioritise by demand.


How do I send images to Google?

Links to your product images are automatically listed in the feed sent to Google. Nothing more is required.

Does Google Product Feed support product variations?

Yes, product variations are supported.
If you enable variation support, then each variation is sent as a specific item in your feed. Variations use values from attributes where they are set, and you can provide feed-specific data when editing a variation.

Does this plugin allow for valid Google Product Listing Adverts (PLA) to be created?

Yes. It produces a feed to load the store’s products into Google Merchant Center so PLAs can be set up. It provides data entry for all required data, which can be set at store level, category level, or individual product where required; and supports Google’s current feed specification.

Overview and pricing of this feature. Click here

Troubleshooting this feature? Click here

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