Group Coupons - User guide

Group Coupons - User guide

For pricing and how to add to your website see at the bottom of the page.

Group Coupons allows limiting coupons by groups and roles. Automatically apply and restrict coupon validity for user groups. Offer exclusive, automatic and targeted discounts for your customers.


  1. To restrict coupons by role, no specific requirements need to be met.
  2. To restrict coupons by group, the Groups Add-on.
  3. To automatically assign users to groups based on product purchases, the WooCommerce Groups Add-on is recommended, but it is not a requirement for this extension’s features to be fully supported.


The Add-on is basically setup-free and provides default settings that suit most sites.

Make sure you have the Groups Add-on enabled. Please reach out to CRU support via the portal and ask if you have this add-on or if you want it added to your site. 

A new menu item WooCommerce > Group Coupons gives access to several options that can be adjusted:

  1. Automatic group coupons – Enables options to apply coupons automatically based on group memberships with the Groups membership Add-on.
  2. Coupon error message – Allows to customise the notice shown when a customer tries to apply a coupon code that is restricted to a group to which the user does not belong.
  3. Roles – Enables coupon restriction options by WordPress user role.
  4. Logout – This provides an option to completely remove any coupons applied to a cart after a user logs out.

New Coupon Settings

Once the add-on is installed and activated, coupons will show additional settings under Coupon data.
  1. A new subsection related to Groups
  2. A second subsection for Roles
The subsection related to Groups allows limiting the coupon to be used only by members of one or more groups, to apply the coupon automatically to members of one or more groups, and to exclude one or more groups from being able to use the coupon.

The second new subsection related to roles allows limiting the coupon to be used only by users that have one or more roles.

New Coupon Settings for Groups

The Groups subsection of the settings under Coupon data allows to limit the coupon to groups, apply it automatically to groups and exclude certain groups from using it. You can access these sections when you add a new coupon or edit an existing coupon.

Coupon settings for groups

Groups – limit the coupon to group members

Only members of the selected groups will be allowed to use the coupon. If no group is selected, the coupon is not restricted to any group members.

Automatic application – apply the coupon to group members automatically

The coupon will be applied automatically to members of any of the selected groups.

It’s important to note that this does not limit the coupon to group members, anyone could use the coupon – it will just not be applied to anyone automatically. If the coupon should only be available to members of the selected groups, you must also limit the coupon to these groups.

Exclude Groups – exclude group members from using this coupon

Members of the groups chosen here will not be allowed to use the coupon.

New Coupon Settings for Roles

The Roles subsection of the settings under Coupon data allows limiting the coupon to certain roles. You can access this section when you add a new coupon or edit an existing coupon.

Roles – limit the coupon to roles

Only users who have one of the selected roles will be allowed to use the coupon. If no role is selected, the coupon is not restricted to any roles. It’s worth noting that for example an Administrator will not be allowed to use a coupon that is restricted to a Contributor and vice-versa. If you want several roles to be able to use the coupon, you must check each role here.

Exclude Roles – exclude roles from using this coupon

Users with the chosen roles will not be allowed to use the coupon.

Overview and pricing of this feature. Click here

Troubleshooting this feature? Click here

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