Groups WooCommerce - User Guide

Groups WooCommerce - User Guide


To sell memberships with WooCommerce requires the following extensions besides WooCommerce itself:

  • Groups – Groups is free and designed as an efficient, powerful and flexible solution for group-oriented memberships and content access control.
  • Groups WooCommerce – The extension integrates Groups and WooCommerce and allows you to sell memberships in your store.

Optionally, if you would like to sell group memberships based on subscriptions it also integrates with WooCommerce Subscriptions.


General Configuration and Defaults

Groups WooCommerce offers several general settings that can be adjusted. Go to WooCommerce > Groups to review or adjust the current settings.

The default configuration reflects suitable choices for many deployments, but we recommend to review the details on those settings below and make initial adjustments when needed. You might want to take these into special consideration:

  • Order Status : By default, users are added to a group when the order status is Completed. Depending on your order process, you might want to adjust this. Please refer to the details on this option below to decide which option is more suitable.
  • User profiles : If you would like to see group membership info when viewing or editing a customer’s user profile on the administrative back end, you can enable this option. Please refer to the detailed instructions given below to show this information.

 Showing the general configuration options of the Groups WooCommerce extension

Configuration Options

Order Status

Add users to or remove from groups as early as the order is …

This is relevant for products that add users to groups – users can be added as early as an order is processing or when an order is completed. The same applies to users being removed from groups. Note that this setting does not apply to subscriptions.
Membership action can be taken for processing or completed orders

In some cases, you might want to consider having the users added earlier, when the order status is Processing instead of Completed. For example, if you sell physical goods and grant customers access to user manuals on protected pages, you can allow them to access the manual even before the physical good has been shipped. In such a case, you can set this option to Processing, which would add the customer to the corresponding group as soon as payment has been received and before you have marked the order as completed.

Subscription Status

Remove users from groups when a subscription is on hold; add them back when a subscription is reactivated.

This setting affects the way group memberships are handled when a subscription is put on hold or reactivated. The setting is only effective for subscriptions provided through the WooCommerce Subscriptions extension. Unlimited or time-limited simple or variable products with group assignments are not related to this setting.


Show durations

When enabled, shows information about durations along with product prices.

Force registration

Force registration on checkout

When this option is enabled and a product that adds a user to a group is in the cart, the customer is required to log in or register to complete checkout. At checkout, the customer will be required to create an account or log in if she or he hasn’t done so already.

User Profiles

In this section you can enable two options that will display membership info on user profile pages on the back end.
Shows the user profile options

Recommended – If you would like to edit or set group memberships on user profiles, also enable the option Show groups in user profiles under Groups > Options.
Showing the option to display groups in user profiles enabled
Show membership info in user profiles

With this option enabled, users can see information about their group memberships on their profile page. Please note that this option is only relevant if your customers are able to access their back end profile page from the WordPress Dashboard. As access is disabled by default from WooCommerce and if you would like to show membership information, you can consider adding a Shortcodes to one of the pages accessible to your customers.

Show membership info when editing user profiles

When this option is enabled, users who can edit other users, for example those with the role of an administrator, can see and modify group memberships.

Here is an example from a user who is assigned to the standard Registered group and a Test group. The duration for the Test group can be edited.
Showing the Groups and Group Memberships sections on a user profile

If you have enabled to show membership info but do not see the section Group Memberships on a user’s profile yet, click the Update User button. The section will now appear and allow you to edit group memberships manually (except for the Registered group).
Here is another example showing an additional time-limited membership with a Premium group:
Showing various memberships


Selling Memberships

Selling Unlimited Memberships

An unlimited membership assigns a customer to a group indefinitely. This is easily set up with simple or variable products. When a customer purchases such a product, the account is added to the group once the order is completed or processing (see details on which order status will trigger the membership in the Settings). Group memberships can also be determined based on which variation is purchased.

Proceed to the section about Selling Unlimited Memberships for a quick and easy guide that shows how to create such a product.

Selling Time-limited Memberships

Time-limited memberships assign a customer to a group for a certain amount of time. Once the established period is over, the account is removed from the group. These limited memberships are set up as easily using simple and variable products. For variable products, the memberships can additionally be based on which variation is purchased.

In the section on Selling Time-limited Memberships you will find instructions on how to create a suitable product.

Selling Access to Digital Media

Memberships can be used to sell access to digital media with Groups File Access (a premium extension for Groups) and other services like Amazon S3. Once a customer’s account is added to a group and while the customer remains in it, the account can access restricted files and temporary links or containers provided by external services.

Please refer to the documentation on Groups File Access on how to use group memberships to provide protected downloads.

Dripping Content

With Groups Drip Content (a premium extension for Groups) it is easy to release content on a schedule. Content dripping can be based on user account creation, group memberships and specific dates and times.

Selling Membership Subscriptions

Memberships based on subscriptions assign a customer to a group while the subscription is active. This requires the WooCommerce Subscriptions extension and works with subscriptions and variable subscriptions.

The steps to set up a membership subscription are mostly equivalent to those used to create unlimited and time-limited membership products as described above, except that you will not find the settings for durations in the Groups tab of the product as the membership is valid while the subscription is active.

As with variable products, for variations of variable subscriptions, the group memberships can be set individually for each subscription variation, in addition to that of the parent variable subscription.

Manual and Automatic Memberships

As we have outlined above, a customer’s account can have its group membership established automatically through a sold membership. But there are cases where it is useful to be able to create a time-limited membership manually. Groups already allows to assign unlimited memberships, in addition to that, the Groups WooCommerce extension allows to specify a duration for group memberships.

Access Control

Groups provides built-in access control that allows to restrict access to posts, pages, and custom content types to specific groups and their members. When you sell memberships, you will most likely want to restrict access to certain content on your site so that only authorised users, customer who have paid for it, can access those contents.

Please refer to the Access Control section of the documentation on Groups to learn how you can take advantage of the various access restriction mechanisms you have at your disposal.

Creating Membership Groups

This might be obvious, but if you want to offer group memberships, you need to create at least one group.

Please note that using the default Registered group to sell memberships is not a good idea. Any user account will always belong to this default group so it’s nothing special, except that only those with a user account belong to it – of course that includes your customers but visitors or those who are not logged in, don’t count.

How to create a new Group

In our examples, we will be using a group called Premium a lot. Let’s see how this is done very easily …

Go to Groups > Groups and click New Group.

Showing the New Group button

Enter Premium in the Name field and choose the premium capability, create the group by clicking Add.

Showing the form where we create the Premium group

Once added, you will see it listed under Groups > Groups …

Showing the new Premium group created

Now that we have our new Premium group, we can use it and sell memberships for it.

Overview and pricing of this feature. Click here

Troubleshooting this feature? Click here

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