Plugins, Plugin Management/Access & Feature Requests

Plugins, Plugin Management/Access & Feature Requests

WordPress and Woocommerce, both open-source platforms, can be extended using plugins/add-ons. However, to truely maintain and keep websites up to date and optimised for performance, plugins need to be carefully managed. 

Plugins and Features

Over the years CRU has vetted over 200 plugins (out of hundreds of thousands) that are properly tested and have minimal conflicts with other plugins. We have standardised our plugin/feature offering so that updating clients' sites is as smooth and efficient as possible. 

With many different authors creating plugins, there can be conflicts with Core WordPress and Woocommerce updates. As part of our CRU 360 plans that include CRU CONCIERGE, CRU manages these plugin updates. and removes access to plugins from clients. The process is not simply updating the plugins, it is also testing for conflicts as well as errors or issues that can affect any area of a website from dashboard errors to issues with the checkout. This has to be done on a per-website basis. 

For CRU to properly maintain our clients websites, we are diligent in the plugins we use and manage on behalf of our clients. 

Please read our article on Administration Access as well as our updated Terms and Conditions.

Plugin Access

To ensure compatibility, stability and safety it is CRU’s policy to restrict access to certain parts of the website including adding, editing or deleting plugins.
Should any unauthorised plugins be added or plugin access and additional permissions granted then CRU will no longer be responsible for any updates, data breaches, security issues, backups, errors, conflicts bugs or breakages within the site regardless of the reasons.
To avoid any doubt, even if an unapproved plugin(s) is not the reason for a breakage or error, CRU will still charge for the time to investigate and to fix the site.
CRU has vetted over 200 compatible plugins and are always willing to add additional requested plugins after compatibility and security testing. 

Feature Request

Every now and again there may be a service/plugin that we do not offer that a client wants. Clients can submit a new feature request form via support and our team can investigate the request. As part of the investigation, our team will add the plugin to our test website and thoroughly test it.

Note: there may be a cost involved in testing new plugins, our team will inform you if this is the case. Testing timeframes may range from 1-3 weeks depending on developer availablity. 

In some cases, if the requested feature/plugin is shown to be poorly built, have low rating reviews or is shown to have conflicts it may be rejected by CRU. In the event that it is rejected, the client can request to still have the plugin added to their site at an added cost on top of their chosen plan - both installation cost and a monthly support cost. Costs may vary depending on the plugin and the size of the website.

Outside of the CRU 360 plans, clients can manage their own plugins however we warn that adding and updating your own plugins could lead to website issues of which if CRU is asked to fix, will incur charges. 

Warning: Adding too many plugins to your site will lead to performance issues. We advise that you make sure the feature is going to be useful or used by at least 95% of your customers/users. We do not recommend adding a feature to appease the 5% of customers/users that may benefit from it.

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