Shipment Tracking - User Guide

Shipment Tracking - User Guide

For pricing and how to add to your website see at the bottom of the page.

Adding tracking information to orders

Note: Shipment tracking details are added to the “completed order” email once the order status is marked as completed.

On the edit/view order screen, you will see a new write panel for shipment information:

To add shipment information for the customer to view:

  1. Choose a provider. This should be the shipping company you use. If your provider is not listed, choose the Custom Provider option.
  2. Add the tracking number that the provider assigned. If you chose the custom option, you need to enter the full link to the company’s tracking page (if applicable).
  3. Choose a shipping date (optional), which is when the package was shipped.
  4. (optional) Test the preview link to see if it works as you expect.
  5. Save Tracking. This is also a good time to change the order status to Complete. Marking the order as Complete will send the Completed Order email to the customer, including the shipment tracking code.
  6. (optional) Add additional tracking numbers by clicking Add Tracking Number.

Current available shipping providers

  • Australia
    • Australia Post
    • Fastway Couriers

Overview and pricing of this feature. Click here

Troubleshooting this feature? Click here

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