Slide management is done via the Slides menu, found in the module editor’s top menu. Hover over that menu and you’ll see a list of the slides that currently exist in your module:
Adding Slides
To add a new slide hover over the Slides menu and click the Add Slide(s) button:
Deleting Slides
To delete a slide hover over the Slides menu, then hover over the slide you want to remove. You’ll see a little preview the slide appear in a thumbnail next to the menu so you can confirm you’re hovering over the correct slide:
Click the little trashcan icon to the right of the slide name in order to delete it:
Duplicating Slides
To delete a slide hover over the Slides menu, hover over the slide you want to duplicate, then click the little duplicate icon to the right of the slide name:
Changing Template Background Colors and Images
In this guide we’ll learn how to make basic changes to backgrounds.
Editing BG Color & Images
Here in the final guide of our basic editing section we’ll be looking at making modifications to background colors and images.
Note: Slider Revolution also allows you to use videos for backgrounds, but because there are a couple more advanced steps in modifying video backgrounds we’ll save covering those steps for later in the manual.
Editing Backgrounds (Video Tutorial)
Learn how to modify a template background color or background image by watching the below ‘Basic Editing of Text, Links, Images & Backgrounds’ tutorial video from the 13:22 mark:
If you watched the above video in full you can skip the remainder of the ‘Basic Editing’ section of the manual and proceed to learn how to Publish Modules.
Or continue reading, starting with how to locate the settings you need to modify a background:
Accessing Background Settings
To access background options, go into the Slide Options tab in the sidebar, then into the Background sub-section and Source panel.
Alternatively, to jump straight to this location in the timeline, make sure you have scrolled to the top track (named “Slide BG Animation”), then click the folder icon to the right of its name.
Changing Background Color
If the template has a background of the type Colored, you can modify it by clicking the small colored square:
This opens the color selection dialogue box:
Select a new color or gradient, then press the blue tick button to apply.
Changing Background Images
If the template has a background of the type Image, you can modify it by clicking either Media Library to replace with your own image or Object Library in exactly the same way as we have already seen in Editing Images in Template Modules.
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