Smart Coupons - User Guide

Smart Coupons - User Guide

For pricing and how to add to your website see at the bottom of the page.

Once installed and activated, four tabs will be added under Marketing > Coupons:

  • Coupons
  • Bulk Generate
  • Import Coupons
  • Send Store Credit

If you are on a WooCommerce version lower than 4.4.0, then the above tabs will be under the WooCommerce menu.

What is store credit/gift certificate?

A store credit or gift certificate is a monetary value assigned as a credit to the customer. So the customer can use that credit all at once or multiple times to make purchases until the credit is exhausted or its validity expires. If the available store credit balance is less than the total amount to be paid, the remaining amount can be paid using other payment methods.

In Smart Coupons, a store credit/gift certificate is available as a discount type coupon. So if you want to allow users to use store credit/gift certificate till it has balance, better not set the usage limit for it. This will allow customers to redeem credit multiple times until it is exhausted or is expired.

How to configure Smart Coupons

Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift certificates, gift cards, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons.

This doc article explains how to set up & configure the Smart Coupons plugin.


Enable coupons

Go to: WooCommerce > Settings > General > Enable coupons. Check ‘Enable the use of coupon codes’ box to activate coupons on your store.
Smart Coupons

General Settings

Go to: WooCommerce > Settings > Smart Coupons. You’ll find the following Smart Coupons settings:
WooCommerce Smart Coupons Settings

  • Colors: Some of the predefined color pallets are listed here. You can choose any one from the list (as per your theme’s color scheme). The selected pallet’s color will be applied to the coupons that will be displayed on the website. 
  • Customise colors: Using this, you can choose your own set of colors that will be applied to the coupons. You will be able to see the changes in the coupons below as and when you change the colors.
  • Styles: The coupons will look like this on your website. You can choose any one. The selected coupon’s style will be applied to all the coupons that will be displayed on the website.
  • Style for email: The coupons that will be sent in the email will look like this.
  • Number of coupons to show: Enter how many coupons (at max) you want to show on the cart / checkout page.
  • Number of characters in auto-generated coupon code: This option can be used to set the length of the coupon code that is generated automatically excluding prefix and/or suffix. The default length of the auto generated coupon code is 13. It is recommended to keep this number between 10 to 15 to avoid coupon code duplication.
  • Valid order status for auto-generating coupon: Choose order statuses that will trigger the auto-generation of coupons.
  • Enable store notice for the coupon: You can search & select a coupon here. The selected coupon here will be displayed as a store notice throughout your website. 
  • Generated store credit amount: When “Include tax in the amount of the generated store credit” is enabled/checked, the generated credit amount will be the same as the amount that is paid by the customer. If this setting is disabled/unchecked then the generated credit amount can be less than the amount that is paid by the customer because the taxes paid by the customer will not be included in the credit amount.
  • Displaying Coupons: Settings related to displaying coupons on the website. You can Enable / Disable these settings
    • Include coupon details on product page, for products that issue coupons 
    • Show coupons available to customers on their My Account > Coupons page 
    • Include coupons received from other people on My Account > Coupons page 
    • Show invalid or used coupons in My Account > Coupons
    • Display coupon description along with coupon code (on site as well as in emails) 
  • Apply Before Tax:
    • Deduct credit/gift before doing tax calculations: Enable this option to deduct store credit / gift card amount before doing tax calculations.
    • Store credit discount is inclusive of tax: When enabled/checked, the store credit amount will also be applied to the tax.
  • Automatic Deletion: Delete the store credit / gift certificate / gift card when entire credit amount is used up (Note: It’s recommended to keep it Disabled)
  • Coupon Emails: Enable this option to email auto-generated coupons to recipients
  • Printing Coupons: Enable this option to print coupons.
  • Sell store credit at less price? – Enable this option to allow selling store credits at a discounted price
  • Recurring Subscriptions (will appear only when WooCommerce Subscriptions is activated)

    • Use store credit applied in first subscription order for subsequent renewals until credit reaches zero
    • Renewal orders should not generate coupons even when they include a product that issues coupons


  • Store Credit / Gift Certificate: Use this option to rename Store Credit / Gift Certificate on your site. For example, if you want to call Store Credit / Gift Certificate as Gift Cards on your store then set both the Singular and the Plural name for ‘Gift Card’. In this case, the Singular name will be ‘Gift Card’ and Plural name will be ‘Gift Cards’.
    The renamed label will be shown on all pages that have the text ‘Store Credit / Gift Certificate’ except on Smart Coupons Welcome page, Smart Coupons Settings page, and Smart Coupons Privacy Policy guide.

  • Store Credit Product CTA: For products that sell store credits, the option you choose here will show up Instead of “Add to Cart” 
  • While purchasing Store Credits: When you opt to allow people to buy store credits of any amount, this label will be used 
  • “Coupons with Product” description: This is the heading above coupon details displayed on products that issue coupons
  • On Cart / Checkout pages: The title for the list of available coupons, shown on the cart and checkout pages 
  • My Account page: The title of available coupons on My Account page 

Coupon Receiver Details Form

  • Allow sending of coupons to others: Enable this option if you want your buyers to send or gift coupons to someone else.
  • Title: The title for coupon receiver details block
  • Description: Additional text below the title 
  • Allow schedule sending of coupons?: Allow schedule sending of coupons? Enable this option to allow your buyers to select the date & time to deliver the coupons. 
  • Combine Emails: Enable this option to send only one email instead of multiple emails when multiple coupons are generated for the same recipient.

Save changes.

How to create coupons using Smart Coupons

Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift certificates, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons.

This doc article explains, in how many ways you can create coupons using Smart Coupons.

Adding coupons

Store Credit/Gift Certificate coupons

  1. Go toMarketing > Coupons (or WooCommerce > Coupons in case of WooCommerce 4.3 or lower).
  2. Add a new coupon. If you want to create a credit-based coupon, Store Credit or Gift Certificate, use Store Credit/Gift Certificate as the type.

  3. Add other coupon details.
  4. Save.

Auto-generating unique codes

Any coupon can be used as a template to auto-generate new and unique coupons but with same attributes as the original. This feature also increases security, as people then can’t share coupons since auto-generated coupons are restricted to a customer’s email address.

Note: This field is only available for discount types other than Store Credit/Gift Certificate because the auto-generation feature is the default behavior for Store Credit/Gift Certificate.

To set up auto-generation:

  1. Add a new coupon (or edit the existing coupon).
  2. Go to: Auto Generation of Coupon and enable.

  3. Set up a prefix and/or suffix if you wish.
  4. Save.

Automatically setting an expiry date

You can define the expiry date of a coupon in days, weeks, months and years. The feature automatically sets the expiry date of a generated coupon according to the date of the issue.

To use this feature on any coupon, enable Auto Generation. This can be used for both individual and bulk generated coupons.

Adding prefix/suffix to the coupon code

Prefix/suffix will only be added when the Auto Generation of Coupon is enabled for a coupon.

To use this feature:

  1. Add a new coupon or edit an existing coupon.
  2. Enable Auto Generation of Coupons.
  3. Enter text to be used as Prefix/Suffix in respective fields.
  4. Save.

Duplicating coupons

To duplicate a coupon, go to Marketing > Coupons (or WooCommerce > Coupons in case of WooCommerce 4.3 or lower).

Find the coupon you wish to duplicate. Filter coupon list.

Smart Coupons provides an additional feature to filter coupons created for specific users by entering the user’s e-mail ID & “Email: ” as a prefix to the user’s e-mail.

Hover over the coupon and select Duplicate.

How to quickly send store credit

Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift certificates, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons.

This doc article explains how you can quickly send store credit to your customers.

Sending store credit

  1. Go toWooCommerce > Coupon and then the Send Store Credit tab.
  2. Enter E-mail address, Credit amount and Message (optional).
  3. Click Send to send Store Credit immediately.
  4. Preview: You can also preview email which will be sent to recipients along with store credit

You’ll receive a success message after sending the Store Credit.

How to give coupons with products for next order

Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift certificates, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons.

This doc article explains how you can give coupons with products for next order.

Giving coupons with products

Linking a coupon with a product allows you to give a coupon to customers who purchase a specific product. After the purchase is complete, the customer receives the coupon in his account, ready to be applied to the next order.

  1. Add a new product or edit an existing one.
  2. Select Coupons under the General tab.
  3. Enter the name of a coupon you want to give a customer with this product.
  4. Select the coupon from the suggestions displayed.
  5. Add as many coupons as you like.

  6. Set up all other details for the product if not done already.
  7. Select Update or Publish to save changes.

How to create a WooCommerce BOGO (Buy One Get One) offer

Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift certificates, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers.

This doc article explains how you can set up a WooCommerce BOGO free offer on the same product, buy one get more on the same product.

How to set up a buy one get one free offer?

For offering the same product, like a T-shirt with a T-shirt, or a book with a book, this is very useful.

  1. Go to Marketing > Coupons > Add coupon
  2. Under the General tab, select Discount type as Fixed cart discount and set Coupon amount to 0 (zero). This is because you don’t want to offer the main product at a discount.
  3. Under the Usage restrictions tab, go to Products. Choose the product on which the BOGO offer will be applicable.
  4. Under the Actions tab > Add products to cartsearch and choose the same product above you have set at zero discount for the BOGO offer.
  5. Now, since we are doing this BOGO offer for one product and for free, select 1 under ‘each with quantity’ and enter 100% under ‘with discount of’.
  6. Publish your coupon.

Thus, when a red T-shirt is added to the cart and customers apply the above-created coupon, users will automatically get another red T-shirt added to their cart for free.

In this example, if you want to offer the BOGO offer for some less price or fixed price, then under ‘with discount of’, choose the appropriate value.

How to set up a buy one get more offer (frequently bought together)?

If you want to set up Amazon-like frequently bought together items, you can use the above steps. For example, on purchase of a high-end cellphone, you want to give a Bluetooth headset and a protective case together. A solid tactic to increase sales via cross-selling.

  1. As mentioned above, repeat the same steps. Instead of a T-shirt, the product will be a cellphone.
  2. Under Actions tab > Add products to cartsearch and choose the two products – Bluetooth headset and a protective case.
  3. Select 1 under ‘each with quantity’ and enter the discount value under ‘with discount of’ to offer these products at a lower price.

That’s it.

How to gift a product via coupon

Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift cards, store credits, gift certificates, discount coupons, and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons.

This doc article explains how you can link a product (free or paid) to a coupon. You can also specify product quantity as well.

This is one of the powerful Smart Coupons features for Buy One Get One (BOGO) promotions and giveaways. When this coupon will be applied to the cart, the linked product/s with the quantity will be added to the cart automatically. Additionally, you can apply a discount on the linked product/s, if you wish.

Linking product to a coupon
How to gift a product via coupon - The configuration

  1. Create a new coupon or open an existing coupon
  2. If you’re creating a new coupon, set discount type, amount & other settings as per your requirements.
  3. Go to the “Actions” tab
  4. Under “Add products to cart“, search for & select product/s which you want to give as a gift, along with the quantity, under ‘each with quantity‘.
  5. Under “with discount of” you can set a discount. This discount will be applied to the product/s of step 4 in the cart. You can set 2 types of discount for the gift product:
    1. Percentage (%) – default
    2. Fixed amount
  6. Publish or save the coupon.

Note – For Buy One Get One (BOGO) free offer, set the discount to 100%.

How it looks
How to gift a product via coupon - How it works

Must know

  • To apply this coupon, the cart should have at least one product & the coupon should be valid for that cart, only then the gift product will be added to the cart.
  • If you want to apply the discount only to the gifted products & not to the other items in the cart, you can set the coupon’s amount as 0 (zero).
  • The discount set under “Actions > with discount of” will be applied only to the product/s under “Add products to cart”.

How to see sent/received coupons

Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift certificates, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons.

This doc article explains how to see sent/received coupons.

This plugin provides feature where a customer can either get coupon for themselves or can send them to someone else. The person who have received the coupon can see it under My Account > Coupons > Coupon Received. It shows all coupons/credits that you’ve received from others.

By default, it shows basic details. To see more details like who is sender and receiver, and what is the message, you can click on the coupon.

As store manager, you can see all the coupons generated in an order (sent from the store to the customers), from order admin page. They can also see sender & receiver of that coupon.

How to resend coupons generated from an order to the buyer

Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift certificates, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons.

This doc article explains how to resend coupons generated from an order to the buyer.

Generated coupons sometimes fail to be delivered, and the buyer will ask for the coupon details.

Features available in WooCommerce core can resend some emails to customers, such as the Customer Invoice. Coupons generated after the order are included in the Customer Invoice, so you can use this feature to resend coupon details.

To resend coupon’s details:

  1. Open the order.
  2. Go to: Order Actions
  3. Select Customer Invoice
  4. Click the round button with the arrow (marked in the screenshot).

Resending coupon details

A buyer can send a store credit as a gift card to a friend. If they are asking to send coupon’s details to a friend directly, this is not possible. You can send a Customer Invoice to the buyer and ask them to copy and send the coupon details to his/her friend.

How to customise coupon styles in Smart Coupons

Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift cards, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons.

This doc article explains how you can change coupon style and design coupons to display them on your site and also in the emails.

Coupon designs/styles location

Go to your WordPress Admin panel > WooCommerce > Settings > Smart Coupons. You will find all the available coupon designs for your website under ‘Styles’ and for email under ‘Style for email’.

These designs are made keeping in mind the flexibility and the ease they will offer to users. The coupon design system has two partsColors & Styles.
Smart Coupons Styles


You get a set of predefined colors/color schemes. Choose one color scheme of your choice from the available options. When you choose one color scheme, you will see the changes immediately on the same page under Styles. This will make it easier to choose a color scheme for coupons for your website.


Same as Colors, a set of predefined Styles are provided for coupons. Choose one style that can match the look of your website.

Customising coupon styles

You can customise both the coupon components: colors & styles.

Customising colors

If the predefined color schemes don’t match your website’s color scheme, you can make one color scheme of your choice under ‘Customise colors’. With this setting, you’ll be able to set three colors of your choice.

Customising styles

Sometimes, you may need to remove some part of the coupon that is displayed on your website, add some more details or completely replace the style with your own style. It’s possible to do it with the Smart Coupons 4.9.0 version onwards. Let’s see how it can be done:

  1. Select one coupon style from the Styles which is closer to your desired result and Save the settings.
  2. Now, we’ll need to find the template file for the selected coupon style that we’ll override. Here’s the list of coupon styles & their respective template file.
    Smart Coupons Style Basicbasic.php
    Smart Coupons Style Clipper
    Smart Coupons Style Cutoutcutout.php
    Smart Coupons Style Dealdeal.php
    Smart Coupons Style Deliverdeliver.php
    Smart Coupons Style Festivefestive.php
    Smart Coupons Style Flatflat.php
    Smart Coupons Style Promotionpromotion.php
    Smart Coupons Style Shipmentshipment.php
    Smart Coupons Style Specialspecial.php
    Smart Coupons Style Ticketticket.php
    Smart Coupons Style for Emailemail-coupon.php
  3. Go to the file path – wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-smart-coupons/templates/coupon-design/.
  4. Find the template for your coupon styles in the mentioned path.
  5. Once found, copy that template file & paste at this path – wp-content/themes//woocommerce/coupon-design/.
  6. If you find any folder missing in the above-mentioned path, you can create those directories.
  7. Now open this template file in an editor.
  8. Make the changes as per your choice, like removing an element, changing any text, adding more details like CSS, etc
  9. Once you’re done with the changes, save this file.

That’s it.

How to Set a Coupon Expiry Date and Time

Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift cards, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons.

Sometimes you may want to run an offer only for a few hours. The WooCommerce core allows you to set an expiry time in multiples of 24 hours, but not at the precise time.

This doc article explains how using Smart Coupons, you can set an exact expiry time for a coupon along with the expiry date.

Steps to setup coupon expiry date and time
woocommerce coupon expiry date time

  1. Go to your WordPress Admin panel. Click on Marketing > Coupons.
  2. Create a new coupon or open an existing one.
  3. Under the “General“ tab, choose the discount type, coupon amount.
  4. Under “Coupon expiry date”, click on the box to open the date selector and pick a date.
  5. Now under “Coupon expiry time“, click on the box field to open the time selector. Use the slider to set hours & minutes or directly type the time in the box and click on Done. You’ll have to set the time in the 24-hr format.
  6. Set other usage and restrictions as required and Publish/Update your coupon.

That’s it.

Important to know

  1. Coupon expiry time will work in combination with the Coupon expiry date. If the Coupon expiry date is not set, then the coupon expiry time will not be considered for validation.
  2. The field “Coupon expiry time” will follow the local time of your website shown under Settings > General > Timezone.
    woocommerce coupon expiry date time

How to Display Available Coupons on Any Page (Using Shortcode)

Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift cards, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons.

This doc article explains how you can use a shortcode to display available/usable coupons on any page on your WooCommerce store.

By default, the Smart Coupons plugin displays available/usable coupons on the cart, checkout & My Account pages. But if you want to display those coupons on other pages, you can add the shortcode ‘[wc_sc_available_coupons]’ to the page content.

Sample usage

The shortcode [wc_sc_available_coupons title="Available Coupons (click on a coupon to use it)"] is used on a page and here’s how it will look:

Note: In the above screenshot, all predefined coupon styles are showing together. It’s only used to display the available type of coupon style. You can set only one coupon style at a time.


If may happen that coupons may not get displayed using the shortcode. Here are the possible reasons why:

  • No coupons are valid for the cart at that moment. You should check usage restrictions & usage limit of the coupons to confirm if it needs to be displayed.
  • If the coupon is restricted to an email address, the user should be logged in with the same email address to see the coupon. If the user is a guest user then the coupon might be visible only on the checkout page once the user enters the billing email address.

How to Set a Maximum Discount for a Percentage Discount Coupon?

Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift cards, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons.

This doc article explains how you can set a maximum discount amount for a percentage discount coupon.

Why limit a percentage discount coupon

For example, to attract more customers, you may run heavy discounts like 70% off but it may turn out to be an overall loss. So using this feature as a trick, you can set the maximum discount a customer will get.

Consider you run a flat 70% off on your store and set the maximum discount to $50 (the amount which you can afford to spend to convert a customer). Looking at the heavy discount offer, a customer will choose to buy a $100 product. But the customer will get the product at $50 and not $30 because the maximum discount is set as $50.

How to set up
maximum discount limit coupon

  1. Go to your WordPress admin panel. Under Marketing > Coupons, click on Add coupon. You can also modify your existing ‘Percentage discount’ coupon.
  2. Under ‘Discount type’, select the ‘Percentage discount’ coupon from the dropdown.
  3. Enter the % discount you would like to offer under ‘Coupon amount’ field, say 70. No need to enter percentage sign (%) in the discount amount field.
  4. Now, under ‘Max discount’, enter the discount amount you would like to restrict the coupon to, say 50. No need to add currency sign in the Max discount field.
  5. Set other restrictions and limits as per your requirements.
  6. Publish or Update the coupon.

How to Choose Order Status for Auto-generating Coupons

Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift cards, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons.

This doc article explains how you can choose order statuses for auto-generating coupons in WooCommerce.

By default, Smart Coupons plugin auto-generates coupons when the order status is either ‘Processing’ or ‘Completed’. But sometimes, the user may want to either stop auto-generation of a coupon on certain order statuses or they may want to auto-generate coupons on specific order statuses. This situation can be handled by this feature.

How to set up

  1. Go to your WordPress Admin panel. Click on WooCommerce > Settings > Smart Coupons.
  2. Look for the setting “Valid order status for auto-generating coupon“. This field might also show order statuses from third-party plugins.
  3. In this field, select only those order statuses on which you want to auto-generate coupons.
  4. Save the settings

How to Display Any Message on Cart or Checkout Page After Applying a Coupon

Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift cards, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons.

This doc article explains how you can display any message on the cart or checkout page after applying a coupon.

This is an amazing Smart Coupons feature. It allows for personalisation and interaction with your customers. This feature is quite useful here:

  • Provide an upsell offer or bonuses
  • Display another coupon code along with a custom message
  • Promote any other content like audio, video, URL…
  • Say a thank you or anything else to your customer

and many more…

How to configure a coupon message
woocommerce custom coupon message

  1. Go to your WordPress Admin panel. Click on Marketing > Coupons.
  2. Create a new coupon or edit an existing one. If you’re creating a new coupon, set discount type, amount & other settings as per your requirements.
  3. Go to the “Actions” tab.
  4. Look for the field “Display message
  5. Add the content of the message in the provided editor. You can format it as per your needs. This message will be shown to the customer who will apply this coupon.
  6. Optionally, you can enable the “Email message?” option to include the above message in the order confirmation email.
  7. Publish or Update the coupon.

How to Get a Coupon Shareable Link

Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift cards, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons. This doc article explains how you can get a shareable link of a coupon.

This doc article explains how you can get a coupon shareable link to auto-apply via URL.

1. From the Smart Coupons dashboard page

  1. Go to your WordPress Admin panel. Then go to Marketing > Coupons.
  2. On the dashboard, hover on the coupon you want to share
  3. Click on “Get shareable link

  4. The link will get copied to the clipboard
  5. Paste it wherever you want, on any page on your website, in the newsletter content, etc.

2. From the coupon edit page

  1. Create a new coupon or open an existing one
  2. If you’re creating a new coupon, set the discount type, coupon amount & other settings. Publish it.
  3. On the same page, you’ll find a section “Coupon shareable link
  4. In this section, you’ll find a button “Click to copy”.

  5. Click on the button to copy the link & share it via email, social media, put it on a website, etc.

Anyone having this link can get the coupon applied automatically via URL whenever they’ll click on this link.

How to restrict coupons by location – country, state, city and zip code

Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift cards, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons.

Smart Coupons also provides advanced coupon restrictions based on location, shipping methodspayment methods and others.

This doc article explains how you can restrict a coupon to country, state, city or zip code.

Restricting coupons based on location can increase sales as you target your promotions only to specific customers of that region.

How to configure

  1. Go to your WordPress Admin panel. Click on Marketing > Coupons.
  2. Create a new coupon or open an existing one. Enter the required details.
  3. Go to the “Usage restrictions” tab.
  4. Look for the field “Address to look in”. Here, you need to choose whether you want to validate the coupon based on the customer’s billing address or the shipping address.
  5. Now under the “Locations” field, you can set country, state, city & zip code. The coupon will only get applied for the locations you enter here.
  6. Publish or Save the coupon.

That’s it.

What if the country, state, city & zip code is not available?

By default, in the Locations field, you’ll be able to search & select a country. If you don’t find a country, state, city & zip code, just type the exact values & hit the “Enter” button from the keyboard. It will be added to the Locations field and database as well.

You can add single and multiple custom values.

When you add multiple custom values, make sure that those values are separated by a pipe ‘|’. For example: ‘Washington|California|Chicago|New York’.

Once you add these custom values, you can search and select them from next time onwards.

Note: At first, the coupon will be applied successfully to the cart. It’ll be validated for the location on the checkout page only after the customer enters the values for the country, state, city or zip code.

How to Sell Gift Cards at a Discount

Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift cards, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons.

This doc article explains how you can sell store credits or gift cards at a less price (discounted price). For example, selling a $100 gift card for $80.

This is one of the best tricks to encourage your customers to spend some money on your store. This trick works because the customer feels that they’re getting a higher value product by spending less. And once they’ve purchased it, it means they’ve committed to buying something from your store.

Creating and selling gift cards

For creating gift cards with Smart Coupons, there are two parts:

  1. Set up a coupon: It will be used as a reference for creating the gift card with predefined settings
  2. Set up a product: This will be the product for which the customer will pay for and in return, they’ll receive the gift card or store credit.

You can create and sell three types of gift cards/store credits:

  1. Gift card of any amount
  2. Gift card of a fixed amount
  3. Gift card of a fixed amount with varying price options

How to configure lower-priced gift cards

  1. Go to your WordPress Admin panel. Click on WooCommerce > Settings > Smart Coupons.
  2. Look for the setting ‘Sell store credit at less price?’. Enable it.
  3. Now open the product which you’ve set up for these methods:
    1. Gift card of a fixed amount
    2. Gift card of a fixed amount with varying price options
      Note: It’s not possible to sell ‘Any amount’ gift cards at a lower price.
  4. In the ‘Regular price’ field, enter the amount that will become the amount of the generated gift card, say 100
  5. In the ‘Sale price’ field, enter the amount that the customer will pay to purchase the gift card, say 80.
  6. Save the product.

That’s it.

Important: If you have any coupon in your store that can be used to buy this gift card/store credit, make sure to set ‘Usage limit per user’ under ‘Usage Limits’ to 1. Otherwise, your customer will get real credit at a discounted rate multiple times, resulting in a loss for you.

How to Create and Sell Gift Card of a Fixed Amount

Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift cards, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons.

This doc article explains how you can create and sell a gift card/gift certificate/store credit of a fixed amount in WooCommerce.

Setting up fixed amount gift cards

  1. Follow all the steps for creating a gift card.
  2. Open the product created in the above steps for editing.
  3. Set the amount of the gift card that you want to issue as the regular price of the product.
  4. Save the product.

That’s it. Your fixed amount gift card is now ready.

Your customers can buy this fixed amount of gift card(s) from your store as they buy other products. They can also send the gift card(s) to another person(s) using the form provided on the checkout page.

Important: If you have any coupon in your store that can be used to buy this gift card/store credit, make sure to set ‘Usage limit per user’ under ‘Usage Limits’ to 1. Otherwise, your customer will get real credit at a discounted rate multiple times, resulting in a loss for you.

URL Coupons – How to Apply Single or Multiple Coupons on Click of a Link

Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift cards, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons.

This doc article explains how using Smart Coupons plugin, you can add a unique coupon code(s) to the URL. When a user clicks on that URL, the coupon(s) gets automatically applied and (optionally) add products to the customer’s shopping cart.

Another thing, you can also add the coupon code to any custom URL on your site and allow the discount to get automatically applied on clicking that URL.

This is a very useful feature. Your users don’t have to type & apply the coupons manually. Instead, they just have to click on the provided link. No coupon code hassles, easy sharing.

  1. Go to your WordPress admin panel. Under Marketing > Coupons, click on Add coupon. You can also modify your existing coupon.
  2. Set the discount type, coupon amount, expiry, set usage limit and restrictions and other settings as per your requirements. Publish/update the coupon.
  3. Under ‘Coupon shareable link’, you’ll find a button ‘Click to copy’.
  4. Click on the button to copy the link & share it via email, social media, deal sites, etc.
  5. Once any user clicks on that URL, the coupon gets auto-applied.

For example, your shop URL is Then you can embed a coupon code to the URL like this –

How to auto-apply coupon

Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift cards, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons.

This doc article explains how using Smart Coupons you can configure coupons to get auto-applied.

There can be many occasions when you want to auto-apply or force-apply a coupon for purchases on your store. For example – during a sale period, holiday season, store anniversary, etc.

Steps to create/set auto-apply coupons

  1. Go to your WordPress admin panel. Under Marketing > Coupons, click on Add coupon. You can also modify your existing coupon.
  2. Set the discount type, coupon amount, expiry and other details.
  3. Look for the ‘Auto apply?’ option. Enable it. 
  4. Set usage limits and other restrictions as per your requirements. Publish/Update the coupon.
    Auto apply coupon

Important notes for auto-apply coupons

  1. Auto-apply feature will trigger only when there’s something in the cart
  2. Smart Coupons will check the validity and all the restrictions and limits set for the coupons before auto-applying them.
    For example – If you restrict a coupon to “Customer” user role and “Stripe” payment gateway, the plugin will first verify whether these restrictions are met and then apply the coupon.
  3. Up to five coupons can be auto-applied by default even if you’ve enabled the ‘Auto apply?’ option in more coupons. If required, you can extend this limit using the following steps
    1. Open your website’s database
    2. Go to table ‘<prefix>options‘ (e.g. wp_options)
    3. Search for a record having option_name like ‘wc_sc_max_auto_apply_coupons_limit
    4. If you find it, set its corresponding option_value as the number of auto-apply coupons allowed to be applied
    5. If you don’t find it, insert a record in the same table with option_name as ‘wc_sc_max_auto_apply_coupons_limit‘ and option_value as the number of auto-apply coupons allowed to be applied. That’s it.
  4. Your users can remove any auto-applied coupon if they wish to. But if you want to change this behavior and you don’t want to allow your customer to remove auto-applied coupons, you can follow these steps:
    1. Open your website’s database
    2. Go to table ‘<prefix>options‘ (e.g. wp_options)
    3. Search for a record having option_name like ‘wc_sc_auto_apply_coupon_removable
    4. If you find it, set its corresponding option_value as ‘no
    5. If you don’t find it, insert a record in the same table with option_name as ‘wc_sc_auto_apply_coupon_removable‘ and option_value as ‘no‘. That’s it.
  5. You can bulk generate coupons with the auto-apply feature.
  6. Auto-apply feature works with subscription coupons as well.
  7. Auto-apply feature is not applicable for gift cards/store credits. That means users can’t auto-apply gift cards/store credits.
  8. Auto-apply will not be enabled for coupons that are linked to a product. That means when you issue any coupon with a product purchase, that coupon will need to be manually applied by the users on their next purchase.

How to display a coupon code notice sitewide

Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift cards, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons.

This doc article explains how using Smart Coupons, you can show a WooCommerce coupon code notice storewide.

Steps to display coupon code notice sitewide
WooCommerce Coupon Code Notice Setting

  1. Go to your WordPress Admin panel. Click on Marketing > Coupons > Smart Coupons Settings.
  2. Locate the “Enable store notice for the coupon” option.
  3. Before setting a coupon, click on Preview to see how the storewide coupon code notice looks like. Note: The preview may differ based on your website’s theme & design.
  4. Once you’ve decided to display a coupon code notice sitewide, search and select the coupon code you want to show to your users. 
  5. The selected coupon code along with its description, if set, will be shown in a banner. If the description is not set, it will be automatically generated.
  6. Click on the ‘Save changes’ button.

That’s it.

WooCommerce Coupon Code Notice

The coupon code does not show up in search results

If the coupon satisfies any of these cases, then it will not be shown in search results:

  • Coupon type = store credit/gift certificate. Store credit/gift certificate is a monetary value assigned as a credit, it cannot be used here.
  • Coupon amount is 0.
  • Coupon is expired.
  • ‘Auto generate new coupons with each item’ option is enabled in the coupon.
  • ‘Disable email restriction?’ option is enabled.
  • Coupon is restricted to any email address under ‘Allowed emails’.

Overview and pricing of this feature. Click here

Troubleshooting this feature? Click here

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