Exporting all subscription in one go with complete headers will result the site to time-out
we recommend to select the important headers only or export subscription by batch
With the Subscriptions CSV Exporter, you can download a comma delimited (CSV) file that contains all the details of the subscriptions in your WooCommerce store.
You can optionally filter the exported data to export only subscriptions with a specific:
- status, like active or on-hold
- recurring payment method, like PayPal or Stripe
- customer set as the subscriber
You can also choose which data to include in the CSV file.
Please note: this extension will not export any related orders for your subscriptions (this includes parent and renewal orders, etc).
Exporter Usage Guide
- Go to the WooCommerce > Subscription Exporter administration screen
- On the Export Tab:
- Enter a name for the file (or leave as the default)
- Choose the status to filter exported subscriptions by, or leave all status checked to export subscriptions with any status
- Click the Export for Customer select box and use the search to find a customer via name, username, email or ID and then export only subscriptions for that customer
- Click the Payment Method select box and choose a specific payment method to export only subscriptions using a certain payment method
- Click the Payment Method Tokens checkbox if you want to include payment meta data, like customer or credit card tokens, in your CSV file
- Click the CSV Headers tab
- Click the radio fields under the Include column if you wish to exclude any subscription data from the CSV
- Change the text in the CSV Column Header column to change the string used to identify each piece of subscription data
- Click Export Subscriptions
Export Options
- File name: the name used for the CSV file (defaults to subscriptions.csv).
- Subscription Status: the subscriptions that are exported by status - untick any statuses you don't want exported (defaults to all statuses).
- Customer: filter subscriptions that belong to a speific customer.
- Payment Method: Use the dropdown to export subscriptions that were purchased with the chosen gateway (defaults to any gateway)
- Payment Method Tokens: Select whether you want payment method tokens, like a customer or credit card token, to be exported in the CSV (defaults to false)
Before exporting, you have the option to modify the column names which are written to the CSV along with choosen which column headers are exported. For instance, you can choose to just export the customer's billing first and last name, along with the subscriptions order total.
Exporting all subscription in one go with complete headers will result the site to time-out
we recommend to select the important headers only or export subscription by batch