Woocommerce Emails

Woocommerce Emails

Email Settings

Options available to edit email settings and templates.

Go to: WooCommerce > Settings > Emails.

Email notifications

For each WooCommerce email listed, it’s possible to configure your settings (optional). More detailed instructions below in: Editing Individual Email Templates.

Disable Woocommerce Emails

  1. Go to Woocommerce -> Settings -> Emails
  2. Click the email to disable
  3. Untick "Enable this email notification"
  4. Click "Save Changes"

Email Sender Options

Set the ‘From’ name and email address for the sender.

Email Templates

This section lets you customize WooCommerce emails.

Header Image
Enter the URL of an image you want to show in the email header. You can upload an image via the Add Media button or Media > Add New.

Email and Text

  • Base Color – Color for WooCommerce email templates.
  • Background Color – Background color for WooCommerce email templates.
  • Email Body Background Color – Main body background color.
  • Email Body Text Color – Main body text color.

Editing Individual Email Templates

In the list above in Email Notifications are these templates:

New order | Cancelled order | Failed order | Processing order | Completed order | Refunded order | Customer invoice | Customer note | Reset password | New account

Select Manage on the right side, and a new screen appears.

New order

woocommerce email options

Select options or enter preferences:

Enable this email notification.

Enter recipients (comma separated) for this email. Defaults to info@woocommerce.com.

This controls the email subject line. Leave blank to use the default subject:

[{site_title}] New customer order ({order_number}) - {order_date}

Email Heading
This controls the main heading contained within the email notification. Leave blank to use the default heading.

Email type
Choose which format of email to send. Options include:

  • Plain Text
  • HTML
  • Multipart

If using Plain Text emails, keep in mind that text fields are limited to 155 characters. If your products have long names and/or numerous variations/add-ons, the field may be truncated.

HTML template (please raise a ticket with CRU if you would like to customise your email template)
To override and edit this email template, copy woocommerce/templates/emails/admin-new-order.php to your theme folder: yourchildtheme/woocommerce/emails/admin-new-order.php. You can also copy the template file or view it on this setting screen.

Save any changes.

Completed order and Customer invoice / order details 

The Completed order and Customer invoice/ Order details templates have slightly different settings from others.

  • Customer invoice/Order details cannot (and should not) be disabled.
  • Both templates have ‘Thanks’ fields that can be altered.

Please note: CRU will have to override the template on your behalf. If CRU clients manage to access and update these templates on their own, this will likely lead to breaking the email structure - certainly when we make updates to Woocommerce. Please raise a ticket for any customisations outside of the standard settings above. 

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