A big challenge we have faced when it comes to tasks and issues is how to define and manage tasks, how long tasks should take, what tasks you can and can’t do yourself and how to charge for tasks. 

To address and attempt to solve these problems while maintaining the level of service our clients expect, we have introduced a new way of defining and paying for tasks called CRU TASKS and CRU CREDITS.


To build on transparency and ensure clients know what they are requesting, how much it costs, and how long it will take, we have created CRU TASKS which will encompass everything our team may do that’s not automated and requires “time” by one of our staff members.
Each CRU 360 plan level will have a set number of included CRU TASKS that expire each month. More tasks can be purchased by using your CRU CREDITS should you need them.

Please note: CRU TASKS operate on the calendar month regardless of your sign up date. Each 1st of the new month will reset your plans included Tasks.

For plans outside of CRU 360 (CRU WP & CRU ECO), any tickets raised will use CRU CREDITS as these plans do not cone with included CRU TASKS

Due to the vast range of tasks we work on and the skills required to perform these tasks, we have followed other larger companies pricing models and will implement a 1 CRU CREDIT = 1 CRU TASK option, no matter what the task and how long it takes to do it (see our Task catalogue for tasks we do and tasks we don't do)

We understand some people need more support than others so in an attempt to keep everything fair we will also have a comprehensive DIY section in our knowledge base which will list all our (non-developer) tasks that have the ability for the client to do themselves (DIY) depending on their experience and level of on-site skills.
With this, it encourages clients to search for answers first and save time & expense rather than waiting for one of our support staff to respond. Of course, if you’re too busy simply use one of your CRU TASKS and our team will jump on it.

To ensure our DIY guides are comprehensive, well written, clear and more importantly available, any time you request a task for a missing guide we will not charge a CRU TASK or CRU CREDIT. 

With feedback and your help in time, we hope to have a system that ticks all the boxes and remains fair and simple to use.


To simplify how new features or services are invoiced, we have implemented our CRU CREDITS system. CRU CREDITS can be purchased as one-offs or set up recurring billing that you control. The more CRU CREDITS you buy the more you save making the cost for each feature or service less. 

Please see the Services and Features section of our Knowledge base for details including how many CRU CREDITS for each. CRU TASKS cannot be used for these. 

Again, when clients run out of their included monthly Tasks (when on a CRU 360 plan), CRU CREDITS can be purchased and used in their place. 


Q. Do I get any Tasks included in my plan?
A. Yes! Check the pricing tables on our website to see included Tasks within our CRU 360 plan levels. If on CRU WP or CRU ECO plans, tickets raised will be charged CRU CREDITS

Q. What if I need more help in a month and use all my Tasks?
A. You can buy credits as a single one-off or as a pack to get a discount which can cover any new tasks that you may raise once your allocated plan tasks have been exhausted

Q. How much does a credit cost?
A. See our pricing page on our website for credit costs and links to purchase

Q. If I pay for more credits, do I get a saving?
A. Yes you do. Please see our pricing page on our website for savings when purchasing packs of credits

Q.How do I buy credits?
A. Just click on the corresponding button on our pricing page on our website under CRU CREDITS

Q. How long do my credits last?
A. CRU CREDITS will roll over each month

Q. Can I pay for credits with my bank account?
A. Unfortunately no as this is a different gateway to our Plans. A credit card is the only method

Q. There is an issue with my website, how come I am deducted a task?
A. The nature of technology and websites is sometimes issues or bugs occur. See our CRU360 plans for included tasks 

Q. How long do my included Tasks in my plan last?
A. CRU TASKS reset each billing cycle, they do not rollover

Q. Can I buy credits on a recurring basis?
A. Yes! We have a subscription option available so you can automatically top up your credits each month. You will find this feature at the checkout page when purchasing CRU CREDITS

Q. How does CRU define a task?
A. A CRU Task ranges from simple fixes or requests such as changing a page title, duplicating a page or fixing a slider issue to some more complex tasks such as plugin conflicts, theme issues. See our growing task catalogue on tasks we do and tasks we don’t. Most tasks CRU does not do are part of our CRU TEAM projects

Q. If I have a question is that a task?
A. It depends on the question. If a CRU support officer provides the guide for you to resolve your own question then no, this is not included as a task. If the question requires a developer to make further investigation into your issue this would be a task. Our support officers will notify if any tickets you raise require a credit

Q. Why am I being deducted a task for an issue that has already been resolved?
A. Websites do not have a warranty and with technology changes small bugs or errors can occur. There may be on occasion where a task that has been completed by a CRU developer resurfaces and in these cases CRU may not charge any further credits

Q. What if I raise a ticket for an issue to find out there is no issue, will this be counted as a task?
A. If our developers or team need to log into your site and review logs and/or do any tests to confirm a feature is working then this will be counted as a task

Q. What if my task is a quick fix, will this still count as a task?
A. Every task goes through the same process even if the issue is fixed within minutes or hours. One task could take multiple developers to fix over a period of hours or days, whilst another could take a developer 20 minutes to fix. Over time these tasks are likely to balance out

Q. I cannot find a user guide on my issue so I cannot fix it myself. Will it still count as a task?
A. No, any issues that you should be able to resolve yourself, we will not deduct a task and CRU will add relevant user guides to the portal immediately. We are consistently adding to our DIY guides and expect clients to use this as the first port of call prior to raising any support tickets

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