Guide to purchasing CRU Features

Guide to purchasing CRU Features

Clients may want to add new features to their website to extend its functionality from time to time. CRU is building out our feature list to ensure our clients have access to extend their stores based on their specific requirements. 

Plugin Features

Adding a plugin to a website isn't simple addition to the site and start using the new features straight away. Plugins need to be appropriately tested and have minimal conflicts with other plugins, have excellent documentation as well as support. 

Unfortunately, not all conflicts/issues can be revealed in our testing. CRU will ensure its best to keep this to a minimum and reduce any disruptions to our clients sites. 
Outside of adding new features via plugins, CRU can add new features that are custom coded to clients' sites. These do not require installation, but coding that occurs in the staging environment of a client's website. When tested or confirmed by the client (depending on the complexity of the feature) the new feature is "pushed" from the staging environment to the live website. 

How It Works 

CRU uses a CRU CREDIT system for payment to install a requested feature/plugin as well as an optional set-up cost (some have no set-up requirement and some can be completed by the client depending on their skill level). 

To purchase CRU CREDITS, please click here
To learn more about CRU CREDITS click here
To view our growing feature list click here
To request a new feature click here

Please note: Feature additions are on a per-site, per plan basis only.

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