Mailchimp for Woocommerce - Troubleshoot Guide

Mailchimp for Woocommerce - Troubleshoot Guide

Host Your Own Signup Forms

To use a custom signup form on your website that transmits subscriber data to your Mailchimp audience, you'll need to add some Mailchimp information to your form code. You'll locate the form action, user ID, audience ID, and input name elements in your hosted Mailchimp form, and insert them into the form you host on your website.
This is an advanced feature and is recommended for users familiar with custom coding. Contact your developer, or hire a Mailchimp Expert if you need assistance.
In this article, you'll learn where to find this information.

Access the Mailchimp form code

1) Click Audience.
2) Click Audience dashboard.
3) If you have more than one audience, click the Current audience drop-down and choose the one you want to work with.
4) Click the Manage Audience drop-down and choose Signup forms.
5) Select Form builder.
General forms.
5) Highlight and copy the Signup form URL.
7) Paste the Signup form URL into the address bar of a new browser tab or window and press Enter.
8) Right-click (Windows) or control+click (Mac) anywhere on the page and choose View Page Source from the drop-down menu.
View page source.

Edit your custom signup form

In the page source for your Mailchimp hosted signup form, you'll find the pieces of code that need to be added to the form code on your website.

First, copy and paste the form action and input information into the body of your custom signup form. Then, find the input type for each audience field, and copy that information into the corresponding fields in your custom signup form code. All of these values must be copied to your custom signup form for the data transfer to work properly.

1) Browse or search the page for "form action" to find the first piece of code you need, and copy the lines that look something like this.
<form action="" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="u" value="a123cd45678ef90g7h1j7k9lm">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="ab2c468d10">
The code indicates your user ID and audience ID so we can link the information to the right place in your Mailchimp account.

2) Paste those rows into the hosted form code on your website.
3) Scroll to find the first audience field, like Email Address, and look for the <input> tag.
<input type="email" name="MERGE0" id="MERGE0">

4) Copy the name value and insert text into the matching tag in your custom signup form. In this case, the name value is MERGE0.
5) Repeat steps 3 and 4 for every audience field in your custom signup form.

As always, test your form thoroughly. Visit your custom form and sign up with information in every field. Confirm your subscription, and then search for your subscriber profile in Mailchimp. Check out all the field values and make sure that each field is transferred over correctly.

Add a Single Subscriber to an Audience

If someone has given you permission to subscribe them to your audience and receive your marketing, you can add them to your audience from the Audience dashboard in your account.

In this article, you'll learn how to add a single subscribed contact to your audience.

Add a subscribed contact

To add a single subscribed contact to an audience, follow these steps.

  1. Click Audience.
  2. Click Audience dashboard.
  3. If you have more than one audience, click the Current audience drop-down and choose the one you want to work with.
  4. Click the Manage Audience drop-down and choose Add a subscriber.
  5. Type in the subscriber's information and check the This person gave me permission to email them box.
    Cursor clicks - Subscriber Permission check box
  6. Apply any necessary tags. If you have groups set up in your audience, those options will appear here.
  7. When you're done, click Subscribe.
    Cursor Clicks - Subscribe - Add a Subscriber

If the email address is already on your audience and you want to update the information you have on file, check the If this person is already in my audience, update their profile box.

After the person has been successfully added, we'll display a success message at the top of the page.

- You must have a person's permission before you add them to your audience as a subscribed contact.
- To add more than one person at a time, import multiple subscribers to an existing audience.

Import Contacts to Mailchimp

Before you start

Here are some things to know before you begin this process.

Import from another service

To save time and effort, Mailchimp lets you connect six of the most commonly used integrations and will import contacts for you. Here’s the list of currently supported apps:
  • Zapier
  • Salesforce
  • WooCommerce
  • QuickBooks Online
  • Squarespace Commerce
  • Shopify

To connect another app and import contacts to Mailchimp, follow these steps.

  1. Click Audience.
  2. Click Audience dashboard.
  3. If you have more than one audience, click the Current audience drop-down and choose the one you want to work with.
  4. Click the Manage Audience drop-down and choose Import contacts.
  5. Choose Import from another service.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Click ADD on one of the available integration tiles to begin connecting your app. Previously connected integrations will have a checkmark instead of the add button.
    import integrations
  8. Click Done after you’ve connected the app.

That’s it! You’ve now connected your app and Mailchimp will import contacts.

Import new contacts from a file

The file import process has two parts: First, you'll prepare your spreadsheet of contacts outside of Mailchimp and save it as a CSV file. Next, you'll use our import tool to upload your file and add your contacts to your Mailchimp audience.

Prepare for import

To prepare your file for import, follow these steps.
  1. In a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, open your blank worksheet.
  2. Create and label a column for Email Address. This is the only field we require.
  3. Next to your Email Address column, create and label additional columns for First Name, Last Name, and any other information you want to import to Mailchimp.

    To learn how to format phone numbers, birthdays, mailing addresses, and other types of data, check out Format Guidelines for Your Import File.

  4. Paste your contacts' information into the relevant fields in the spreadsheet.

  5. Save the file in CSV format. This option can usually be accessed from the File menu in your spreadsheet program, labeled as "Export as .CSV" or "Download as .CSV". Different spreadsheet programs may vary.

Need help saving your spreadsheet file in CSV format before you import? Check out these CSV tips from Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets. Or, download our sample CSV import file and replace the sample emails with your own data.

Import your file into Mailchimp

To import your contacts to Mailchimp, follow these steps.
  1. Click Audience.
  2. Click Audience dashboard.
  3. If you have more than one audience, click the Current audience drop-down and choose the one you want to work with.
  4. Click the Manage Audience drop-down and choose Import contacts.
  5. Choose Upload a file.
  6. Click Continue to upload.
  7. Click Browse and choose the CSV file from your computer.
    Cursor Clicks - Browse - File Upload
  8. Click Continue to Organize.
  9. Use the Select an audience drop-down to confirm the audience you want to import to. Cursor Clicks - Audience dropdown - File Upload
  10. Use the Select a status drop-down to choose the status of the contacts you're about to import.
    Cursor Clicks - Contact Status - File Upload
    The available statuses for contacts are:

    • Subscribed
    • Unsubscribed
    • Non-subscribed
    • Cleaned

    If you import subscribed contacts, be sure that you have permission to send them marketing.

  11. If your audience has groups, you can import your contacts directly into the group of your choice. Navigate to the Select groups section and check the box next to each group that applies.
    Cursor Clicks - Groups - File Upload
    You'll only see this option if you have groups in your audience.
  12. If you want to update contacts that are already in your audience, check the box next to Update any existing contacts.
    Cursor Clicks - Update any existing contacts - File Upload
  13. Click Continue to Tag.
  14. If you want to assign tags to all of the contacts in your import, click the drop-down menu and choose or create tags as needed. You can also choose from popular tags.
    Cursor Clicks - Tags - File Upload
  15. When you're ready, click Continue To Match.
  16. Match the columns in your import file to the fields in your Mailchimp audience. We'll automatically match some columns for you. For example, the column that contains email addresses will match the required Email Address field.
    File Upload - Match Column Table
  17. Click the column header to choose a different field type for the column or to create a new field. Repeat for all unmatched columns that you want to import. Any unmatched columns will not be imported.
    Cursor Clicks - First Name Header - File Upload Match Step
  18. Click Finalize Import to review your import settings.
  19. If everything looks good, click Complete Import.

That's it! After the import is finished, we'll send a notification to the email address associated with your username.

Copy and paste contacts

You can directly paste new contacts from a spreadsheet or list.

To paste your contacts, follow these steps.

  1. Click Audience.
  2. Click Audience dashboard.
  3. If you have more than one audience, click the Current audience drop-down and choose the one you want to work with.
  4. Click the Manage Audience drop-down and choose Import contacts.
  5. Choose Copy and paste.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Paste your contact information in the field.
  8. Click Continue to Organize.
  9. Use the Select an audience drop-down to confirm the audience you want to import to. Cursor Clicks - Audience dropdown - File Upload
  10. Use the Select a status drop-down to choose the status of the contacts you're about to import.
    Cursor Clicks - Contact Status - File Upload
    The available statuses for contacts are:

    • Subscribed
    • Unsubscribed
    • Non-subscribed
    • Cleaned

    If you import subscribed contacts, be sure that you have permission to send them marketing.

  11. If your audience has groups, you can import your contacts directly into the group of your choice. Navigate to the Select groups section and check the box next to each group that applies.
    Cursor Clicks - Groups - File Upload
    You'll only see this option if you have groups in your audience.
  12. If you want to update contacts that are already in your audience, check the box next to Update any existing contacts.
    Cursor Clicks - Update any existing contacts - File Upload
  13. Click Continue to Tag.
  14. If you want to assign tags to all of the contacts in your import, click the drop-down menu and choose or create tags as needed. You can also choose from popular tags.
    Cursor Clicks - Tags - File Upload
  15. When you're ready, click Continue To Match.
  16. Match the columns in your import file to the fields in your Mailchimp audience. We'll automatically match some columns for you. For example, the column that contains email addresses will match the required Email Address field.
    File Upload - Match Column Table
  17. Click the column header to choose a different field type for the column or to create a new field. Repeat for all unmatched columns that you want to import. Any unmatched columns will not be imported.
    Cursor Clicks - First Name Header - File Upload Match Step
  18. Click Finalize Import to review your import settings.
  19. If everything looks good, click Complete Import.

That's it! After the import is finished, we'll send a notification to the email address associated with your username.

  • Imported subscribers don't go through the signup process, so you'll need to verify that you have permission to email them.
  • When you import contacts to an existing audience, we won’t include any duplicate, bounced, or unsubscribed addresses that are already stored in the audience.
  • Because all audiences in Mailchimp are independent of each other, we can't detect duplicates, bounces, or unsubscribes across multiple audiences. If you have duplicate contacts in different audiences, you may find it helpful to combine your audiences into a primary audience that uses groups or tags.

Update existing contacts

You may need to update your contacts’ data if they’ve been in your audience for a while. Use our import tool to quickly update multiple contacts at once.

This option replaces existing audience field information with new information from your import file. You’ll follow the same process to import new contacts, but there are a few extra things to consider.

  • When you prepare your spreadsheet, verify that the column names in your import file match the fields in your Mailchimp audience, and that no columns are left blank. Blank fields overwrite and erase existing contact data.
  • You can only update subscribed or non-subscribed contacts with this method.
  • Imports won’t update the email marketing status of contacts already in your Mailchimp account.

Proceed with a file import, and follow the steps to upload your file and match your columns. On the Organize step of the import, check the box next to Update any existing contacts.

Cursor Clicks - Update any existing contacts - File Upload

That's it! When you import, we'll handle the rest by scanning your contacts and updating their information

Overview and pricing of this feature. Click here

Looking for the user guide for this feature? Click here

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