WooCommerce Social Login

WooCommerce Social Login

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Installation1 CRU CREDIT
Setup (optional)1 CRU CREDIT
Ease Of UseEasy
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Enable Social Login for Seamless Checkout and Account Creation

Any checkout process introduces leaks in your conversion funnel – tightening up those leaks increase conversion rate and improves your salesAccount creation and entering checkout information can cause these leaks, and WooCommerce Social Login can help you patch them.

When a customer first visits your site, you can simplify checkout by allowing them to check out as a guest. However, this introduces friction for customers that want to purchase from your store more than once (and hopefully many of them do!). They’ll have to create yet another username and password.

WooCommerce Social Login makes this process as easy and secure as possible – customers can log into your site using their Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, LinkedIn, PayPal, Disqus, Yahoo, or VK accounts instead of creating a new user account credentials.

Social Login at checkout

Why Use WooCommerce Social Login?

  • Connect your store’s customer accounts with Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, LinkedIn, PayPal, Disqus, Yahoo, and VK
  • Offer to link accounts on the “Order Received” page for easier checkout in the future
  • Make account access and checkout easy and seamless – customers don’t need to remember another username and password
  • Reduce friction for repeat purchases – customers typically stay signed into social networks, which means they sign back into your site with one click.
  • Improve security and increase trust by using social sign-on
  • Over 77% of consumers prefer social login when using an eCommerce site.
  • Social sign-in can therefore lead to increased conversion rates – here’s an example with over 10% increase.
  • Customers prefer social sign-in for security and personalisation.
  • 90% of people have encountered social login before, and more than half of people use it.
  • Social accounts are tied to a WordPress user account so that accounts can be accessed even if social accounts are unlinked.
  • View reporting on linked accounts and see which customers have added accounts from the “Users” list
  • Works with Product Reviews Pro to show login buttons when adding, voting on, or watching reviews NEW

New customer accounts that are created with social login will automatically be linked to the appropriate networks.

Social Login from the My Account page

Existing Socials will also be able to connect their accounts to social networks when logging in or via the “My Account” page at any time. You can even invite logged in users to link their accounts after checkout for faster purchase in the future. Simply enable Social login buttons on the Thank You page.

Social Login on the Order Received page

If using Product Reviews Pro, you can even display login buttons in the Product Reviews Pro login forms.
WooCommerce Social Login Product Reviews Pro Modal

Monitor Social Logins

You can view a new “Social Registration” report when this plugin is active, which will allow you to view the number of linked user accounts for each social network:

Social Login registration report

You can also view this information by visiting your “Users” list, where you’ll see a new column for “Social Profiles”.

Social Login accounts setup per user

Provide Account Management Tools

Customers will always be able to link or unlink social accounts from your site by visiting the “My Account” page:

Manage Social Login accounts in My Account page

Make Your Shopping Experience Smoother

Use WooCommerce Social Login to reduce friction when checking out or creating user accounts. Returning customers can log into your site with as little as one click if they’ve linked a social profile. Not only can customers easily log into your site without remembering another set of login credentials, but they’ll be able to breeze through purchasing and checkout with their new account, and you’ll benefit from increased trust and security.

Looking for the user guide for this feature? Click here

Troubleshooting this feature? Click here

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