CRU Club - User Guide

CRU Club - User Guide

For pricing and how to add to your website see at the bottom of the page.

Get Started

Manually Creating Subscription via Admin (Choose your own)

Add the user to the site first by going to Users > Add New.

Fill out the users details: User Role is Subscriber, for the Send User Notification Checkbox, CRU recommends unchecking this so the customer DOES NOT get sent an automated email - This is a standard wordpress email and is not styled. CRU recommends sending a custom communication after you have added the user and their subscription.

Once you have added the user, click back into ‘Edit’ on the user and fill in their address and other details. These will be auto populated when you add the user to the subscription later.

Once you have added the user ensure to add them to the relevant Wine Club GROUPS on the USERS page. This will ensure they receive their shop discount when logged into their account. Use the Groups function above the users list. The usual set-up is to add them to 2 groups, a generic one, i.e ‘Wine Club’, and the discount, i.e ‘Wine Club 15’ (indictating 15% discount.) These groups are already set up for you and you just need to search the relevant group when adding. Users who sign up through the front end are automatically added to these groups. When a wine club member cancels their subscription, you will need to remove them from the group to ensure they do not continue receiving their discount.
  1. Select User (can select multiple at once)
  2. Choose Groups
  3. Select Add to group (or remove from the group if you are removing them), Select ‘Apply’
  4. Check they are in the correct groups.


Once you have saved the user's account and added them to the groups, follow the steps below


1 – In the Admin Dashboard, hover the cursor to “woocommerce”
2 – Click on “Subscription” as shown above.


3 – Click on “Add Subscription”.

Adding Subscription To Customer


1 – Select a customer whom you want to create a subscription.
2 – Fill out Billing and Shipping details. (NOTE: Credit Card details to be filled out in Step 13 at the end of this document)
3 - Click “Create” button then wait for the page to reload to proceed to step 4.


4 – Select the pack you want to add.
5 – Select the numbers of bottles in the pack
6 – Select how often the customer will get the pack

Choose the Wines


7 – Select how many bottles in the pack
Note: If the total number is more than the limit of the pack, then it will notify and will not proceed unless the total number of products selected is equal or less that the max or the pack limit.

8 – Click “Add Cruclub Mix” button


8 – Click “Recalculate” button.


9 – Set the recurring schedule according to the frequency of the selected pack.
10 – Set the next payment (Must be calculated according to the recurring schedule. You can edit the next payment date anytime you want)
11 – Set the subscription status to active.
12 – Save the subscription by clicking the “Create”/”Update” Button.


13 – Change payment method to “Credit Card” and fill out the necessary information about the credit card. 14 – Save the subscription again by clicking “Update Button”.

Manually Creating Subscription via Admin (Set Packs)

Add the user to the site first by going to Users > Add New.

Fill out the users details: User Role is Subscriber, for the Send User Notification Checkbox, CRU recommends unchecking this so the customer DOES NOT get sent an automated email - This is a standard wordpress email and is not styled. CRU recommends sending a custom communication after you have added the user and their subscription.

Once you have added the user, click back into ‘Edit’ on the user and fill in their address and other details. These will be auto populated in when you add the user to the subscription later.

Once you have added the user ensure to add them to the relevant Wine Club GROUPS on the USERS page. This will ensure they receive their shop discount when logged into their account. Use the Groups function above the users list. The usual set up is to add them to 2 groups, a generic one, i.e ‘Wine Club’, and the discount, i.e ‘Wine Club 15’ (indictating 15% discount.) These groups are already be set up for you and you just need to search the relevant group when adding. Users who sign up through the front end are automatically added to these groups. When a wine club member cancels their subscription, you will need to remove them from the groups to ensure they do not continue receiving their discount.
  1. Select User (can select multiple at once)
  2. Choose Groups
  3. Select Add to group (or remove from group if you are removing them), Select ‘Apply’
  4. Check they are in the correct groups.


Once you have saved the user's account and added them to the groups, follow the steps below


1 – In the Admin Dashboard, hover the cursor to “woocommerce”
2 – Click on “Subscription” as shown above.


3 – Click on “Add Subscription”.

Adding Subscription To Customer


1 – Select a customer you want to create subscription.
2 – Fill out Billing and Shipping details. (NOTE: Credit Card details to be filled out in Step 13 at the end of this document)
3 - Click “Create” button then wait for the page to reload to proceed to step 4.


4 – Select the pack you want to add.
5 – Select the number of bottles in the pack
6 – Select how often the customer will get the pack

Add Pack


7 – Click the “Add Pack Mix” Button.


8 – Click the “Recalculate” Button


9 – Set the recurring schedule according to the frequency of the selected pack.
10 – Set the next payment (Must be calculated according to the recurring schedule. You can edit the next payment date anytime you want)
11 – Set the subscription status to active.
12 – Save the subscription by clicking the “Create”/”Update” Button.


13 – Change payment method to “Credit Card” and fill out the necessary information about the credit card. 14 – Save the subscription again by clicking the “Update Button”.

Updating Subscriptions

Modify a members Subscription Pack

At times, you will have members that request for you to update their products or the tier/level in their subscription on their behalf. You may also need to make some changes to a member pack from time to time. 

Navigating to Woocommerce>Subscriptions, search for the subscription you need to change/update (best to search for an email address as this is the most unique identifier).

Once you have found the subscription, click on the subscription number to edit. Scroll down to the section Cru Club Mix

  • Click Edit Pack
  • Select the new Pack Preference, Number of Bottles and Frequency. You can skip this if you just want to edit the pack content of the subscription
  • Select the products you want to add on the pack
  • Click on Save button
  • Click OK when this pops up

Adding and/or Updating Credit Card via Admin

Follow the steps below to add or update the payment method used on a subscription via admin access.
  • Go to the subscriptions list page and select and edit the subscription you want to update
  • Click the pencil icon in-lined with Billing
  • Select Use a new payment method
  • Enter the card details on the input fields
  • Click the 'Change Payment' button
  • Wait until the successful message pops out
  • Click the 'Update' button to securely save your changes

Adding and/or Updating Credit Card via My Account

If you are modifying the payment method in behalf of the customer, go to user's page first and switch to their account by hovering to the customer's name and clicking "Switch to". 

Follow the steps below to add or update the payment method used on a subscription via my account
  • Go to the My Account Page, and navigate to your Wine Club Page (My Account Page varies in designs).

  • Click the "Edit Pack" button of you subscription
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click " Update My Payment Details"

  • Enter the card details on the input fields

  • Click the 'Save' button

Change Next Payment

Single Subscription

You may have members/customers that want to change their next payment date. 

To do so, follow these steps:

  • On the subscription edit page, change the date under Next Payment. Select the date on the calendar and input the time. Calendar will pop-out when the date field is clicked
  • Click the Update button to save your changes

In Bulk

If you want to change the payment date for more than one subscription you do so, follow the steps below:
  • Filter list to list Active subscriptions only by clicking Active
  • Type in the subscription product you want to sync payments with and select the product on the suggestions (sample is CRU Test).
  • Click the Filter button and wait for the page to reload.
  • Select Cru Scheduler on the action list but don’t click Apply
  • Check the subscriptions you want to change the next payment date. You can select all on the current page by ticking the checkbox next to Status
  • Select the date by clicking the date field and a calendar will popout
  • Enter the time of the renewal. Follow the format hh:mm AM/PM
  • Click Set and wait for the page to reload.
  • Repeat steps 4-8 on the next page since you can only done this 1 page at a time.

Disable Subscription Renewal Payment Retry

  • Navigate through Woocommerce → Settings
  • Click Subscriptions tab
  • Scroll down to the page and look for Retry Failed Payments. Uncheck the checkbox to disable retry payments
  • Click Save changes button


Updating Price and Pack Contents

Set Up/Edit a Wine Club Pack

  1. Create Subscription Product

  1. Add a product name.

  2. Select on the dropdown ‘simple subscription’.

  3. Select the frequency renewal of the subscription

  4. Click on to Cruclub Mix

  1. Next  

    1. Check the checkbox to make it a CRU Club subscription

    2. Type in the name of the product you want to be included on the subscription and it will show a suggestion. Clicked on the suggested product you want and then click ‘Add Product’ button.

  1. Check this checkbox if you want this product to be a default product of the pack. 

If this pack is a set pack, make sure that all products that should be in the pack was set to default. All products that are not set to default in a set pack will not be included in the computation of the total. 

If it is a custom mix pack, it is advisable to uncheck the checkbox. It will still show all the products that are added. If the checkbox was ticked for a product, it will be pre-selected on the subscription process (the process on selecting products for custom mix in the front-end).

  1. Put the quantity of the product in the pack.

If this is a custom mix pack and the checkbox on step 2.3 is unticked, make sure that the quantity is set to 1. If the checkbox was ticked, it will reflect the pre-selected quantity of the product as mentioned in step 2.3.

If this is a set pack, just put the quantity of the product that should be in the pack.

  1. Input the product display order. This will affect a custom mix pack. It will determine the product’s place on the list on the process of selecting product for the mix pack in the front-end.

  2.  Click this button if you want to remove the product you entered.

  3. Set a product image of the subscription product. (Optional)

  4. Save the product by clicking “Publish” button.

NotesNote: You can edit the product and add more products in the pack any time. If it is a set pack, you can edit the default products any time. Just don’t forget to sync the subscriptions after the editing (Use the syncing tool - article here)

Adding Packs

  1. Creating Coupon

  1.  Hover the cursor to Woocommerce on the admin dashboard

  2.  Click Coupons

  3.  After the page loads, click on “Add coupon” button.

  1.  Enter the coupon code.

  2.  Select “Recurring Product % Discount” if your discount is by the percentage of the total order. Select “Recurring Product Discount” if your discount is fix amount.

  3.  Enter the discount value here.

  4.  Tick the checkbox if you want the product using this coupon to have free shipping.

  5.  Save the coupon by clicking “Publish” button. You can edit this coupon anytime.

  1. Adding Labels

  1. On the admin dashboard, click “Cruclub”. It will redirect you to “CruClub Packs”.

  2.  Click “Add New” button add a new pack.

  1. Add Labels

  1. Click “Add labels”. It will take you to the page where you will add the labels that will be shown in the front-end for the renewal frequencies and number of products included in all packs.

  1.  Click “Add Frequency Label” button and the elements inside the black box will show up.

  2.  Type in the frequency label you want. It is advisable that the label is closely related to the frequency of the subscription products you created.

  3.  Click on “Save Changes” button to save the label. After saving, you can then add more frequency labels that will be included in the pack. (I.E. Every Month, Every 3 Months, Every 6 Months, etc.). See image below, this is how it looks after adding frequency labels.

  1.  After adding all frequency labels, click “Add Quantity Label” button and the elements inside the black box will appear.

  2.  Add the quantity label here same with the frequency label example is “6 Products”.

  3.  Add how many products can be added on the mix when this option is selected. Using the sample label “6 Products”, so the quantity should be “6”.

  4.  Click “Save Changes” button after populating all inputs. Same with frequency, you can then add more quantity labels that will be included in the pack. See image below for the sample result.

  1. Adding Options to Pack

  1. After Adding all frequency and quantity label, click on “Add Pack” button.

  2.  Input the pack name.

  3.  Choose whether the pack is a set pack or a custom mix. If you select “choose your own” which is a custom mix pack, the elements inside the black will show up.

  4.  Check this if you want to apply the selected default products on the subscription product (creation of subscription product is in another tutorial). Please note that it will only show if you select “choose your own”.

  5.  Click “Add Pack Item” button to start adding subscription to your pack

  6.  Type in the name of the subscription product that you want to add in the pack. If you have subscription products that have the same names like in the image below, make sure that you select the correct product by hovering the cursor over the product’s name in the products page and look for the ID of the product and select the product having the ID on the suggestions.

  7.  Select the quantity label you want for this option (the labels you created in the past steps).

  8.  Select the frequency label you want for this option (the labels you created in the past steps). Make sure that you selected the label with a name relevant to the renewal frequency of your selected subscription product. Sample is the subscription we selected on the step 4.6. Looking at the image with above, look at the price section, see that there is “every 6 months” on the product we selected. It is advisable to select a label describing that it is renewing every 6 months.

  9.  Type in the coupon code that you want to add in this option. If you don’t want this option to have a discount, it is okay to leave it blank.

  10. Check this box if you want this pack to be unpurchaseable online. By this, the customer can still see that there is an option for this subscription. They have to contact you if they want to be a subscriber of this pack.

  11. Check this box if you want to sync the renewal of this option. Example is the one we selected above, it says that it is renewing every 6 months. Let’s say we want the subscription to be renewed every 1st day of February (see next steps how to set this), the next renewal should be on August. It is not necessary that it should also be 1st day of August. You can choose what exact day you want the subscription to be renewed, just make sure that the gap of the renewals is exact. But if you don’t want to sync the renewal dates, leave it uncheck and jump to step 4.14.

  12.  Following the previous step, this is where you will input 02/01 for February 1. There is also a calendar that will show when you click on the input field and select there the date of the renewal.

  13. Click on this button to add more dates of the renewal. Following previous steps, the second field is where you put the date for the renewal on August.

  14. After all input is okay, click on “Add Item” button to add this option to the pack. Note that you can add more option for this pack. Just redo steps 4.1 – 4.14.

  15. Save the pack by clicking “Save changes”. Note that you can’t edit the options you added once you clicked the “Save changes” button. If you accidentally misinput the details, you have to redo the steps to add that option again. Below is a sample of a pack having lots of options.

  1. Packs’ place on front-end list and editing/deleting packs

  1. This number represents the places of each pack on the list in the front-end. You can interchange the numbers by just changing the digits in the input box. Below is a sample image of the list in the fron-end.

  1.  After changing the digits on the input box, click on “Update Pack Order” button.

  2.  The pencil icon lets you to edit the pack. It will lead you to page same with step 4.15. The bin icon will let you delete the pack.

Editing your Club Pack Products

Navigating to your Wine Club Product:
  1. Go to ‘Products’
  2. Hover your mouse over the pack you want and select ‘edit’.
  3. There is a product for every variation (Bottle/Frequency) i.e Choose Your Own 3 Monthly is a separate product to Choose Your Own 6 Monthly, you will need to edit all variations depending on your desired set up. You can filter the products by Wine Club/Subscription to view all in one list.

    Once you're in the product, select the Cru Club Mix tab:
  4. image.png

  5. To add a product to the pack, type in the name of the product you want to be included on the subscription and it will show as a suggestion. Clicked on the suggested product you want and then click ‘Add Product’ button.
  6. Check this checkbox if you want this product to be a default product of the pack. If this pack is a set pack, make sure that all products that should be in the pack are set to default. All products that are not set to default in a set pack will not be included in the calculation of the total. If it is a custom mix pack, it is advisable to uncheck the checkbox. It will still show all the products that are added. If the checkbox was ticked for a product, it will be pre-selected on the subscription process (the process on selecting products for custom mix in the front-end by a customer).
  7. Put the quantity of the product in the pack. If this is a custom mix pack and the checkbox on step 2.3 is unticked, make sure that the quantity is set to 1. If the checkbox was ticked, it will reflect the pre-selected quantity of the product as mentioned in step 2. If this is a set pack, just put the quantity of the product that should be in the pack.
  8. Input the product display order. This will affect a custom mix pack. It will determine the product’s place during the signup process on the front-end.
  9. Click this button if you want to remove the product you entered.
  10. Save the product by clicking the “Update” button.
Notes on Editing Your Pack:
  1. You can edit the product and add more products in the pack any time. You may need to update your choose your own subscriptions, using the ‘Replace Product feature’ (section 3 below) If it is a set pack, you can edit the default products any time. Just don’t forget to sync the set pack subscriptions after the edit (Syncing process can be found in section 4 below).
  2. If you are removing a product from your Wine Club, ensure you DO NOT delete or unpublish (draft) the product until you have edited all your packs and all existing subscriptions containing the product. The product is required to be published when synchronising/updating packs. You can hide the product from the shop rather than deleting/unpublishing by making the Catalog visibility: Hidden in the Publish box on the right-hand side.
  3. If you wish to change the Bottle Number and/or Frequency of your packs, please contact

Add Groups to your Subscription Product

  1. Go to the subscription product and scroll down to Product Data -> Groups Tab
  2. Select the group that the subscriber will belong to if they choose this subscription.
  3. Select the group that the subscriber should be removed from if they choose/switch to this subscription. This should include the rest of the tier/groups if applicable.

Update Shop Sortation

Navigate to  Appearance -> Customize -> Woocommerce ->Product Catalogue
Change Shop page display from Show categories to Show products.

Updating Set Price for Fixed Packs

You can update set price by following the steps below:
  • Navigate through Cruclub → Packs
  • Click on the pencil icon of the set pack you want to update. You can check the pack type on the section highlighted with green box
  • Click on the pencil icon of the variation you want to change. You can check the present set price on the section highlighted with green box
  • Tick the Enable Set price checkbox
  • Input the new set price
  • Click on Edit Item button
Note: Please do untick Manual Subscription and Synchronize Dates (highlighted with green box) if it is not on your setup

  • Click the Save Changes button to save all your changes


These tools may break your site (if not use , please check first the packs you offer before proceeding.
For Custom Packs use only the Product Replace Tool and for Fixed Packs use only the Synchronize Tool.
Using the synchronize tool on custom packs will affect the number of bottles on the packs.
Take this as a precaution.

Product Replace Tool (for Custom Packs)

Can be used for:
  • Price update
  • Vintage update
  • Replacing out-of-stock products
  • Just replacing one product with another product

CRUCLUB Replace Product This feature allows you to update individual products within set packs at a bulk level, instead of doing each subscription individually. This feature is ideal for out of stock / sold out / low stock products as well as pricing changes/updates. You can switch out all subscriptions containing the product, or just a certain number by using the tick boxes.
Please perform the process per page
1. Navigating to Replace Product Page

1.1. Hover the cursor over cruclub in the admin dashboard.
1.2. Click on “CruClub Replace Product” on the popped-up box.

2. Replacing product


2.1. Type in the input box the name of the product you want to be replaced with on a specific/all subscription. Then select the product on the suggestions.
2.2. After clicking the product on the suggestion, click on the “Search Subscription” button to have a list of subscriptions having the product on their packs. See the image below.

2.3. Check the subscriptions you want to replace the product. We recommend checking up to 40 subscriptions at a time to avoid server time-out.

2.4. Type in the input box the name of the product you want to replace
(can be the same product if you want to update the product name or price).
Then select the product on the suggestions.

2.5. After selecting the product, update the subscription/s by clicking “Update” button. And a message will show up like in the image below. Do not worry on recalculating the subscription/s to have an updated price, the subscription’s/s’ price will be automatically updated after you click the “Update” button.


Synchronise Tool (for Fixed Packs)

The synchronise tool is used when you are making changes to Fixed pack products. This also includes updating the prices of the pack and/or products
Please perform the process per page

Once you have made changes to the products in the packs, perform the below function:

  • Hover the cursor over “CruClub” in the admin dashboard and click on “Cruclub Synchronize”.
  • Type in the subscription product you updated. And click on the correct product on the suggestions. If you have subscription products that have the same names, make sure that you select the correct product by hovering the cursor over the product’s name in the products page and look for the ID of the product and select the product having the ID on the suggestions.
  • Click the Search Subscriptions button
  • Tick all the subscription you want to update. If you want a subscription to not be updated for some reason, you can uncheck it and it will leave as it is.
  • Click the “Sync” button after ticking your subscriptions. After the sync, a notice will show on the page. See image below. After this notice shows, everything is good and the subscriptions were successfully updated.

Updating Set Price for Fixed Packs

  • Navigate through Cruclub → Packs
  • Click on the pencil icon of the set pack you want to update. You can check the pack type on the section highlighted with green box
  • Click on the pencil icon of the variation you want to change. You can check the present set price on the section highlighted with green box
  • Tick the Enable Set price checkbox
  • Input the new set price
  • Click on Edit Item button
Note: Please do untick Manual Subscription and Synchronize Dates (highlighted with green box) if it is not on your setup

  • Click Save Changes button to save all your changes

Updating Pack Discount

If you want to update your wineclub discount, please follow the steps below.

This is only applicable if you want to change all packs.
Example, you want to change all 10% discount to 15%.
If you want to change the discount of specific packs, please contact support.

  • Navigate through Marketing → Coupons in the admin dashboard
  • Select Recurring Product % Discount under the coupon type selection filter
  • Click Filter button
  • Select the coupon you want to edit
  • Edit the coupon amount
  • Save your changes by clicking Update button
After changing the coupon discounts;
If it is a set pack, do a sync to update all subscriptions. Please refer here: Synchronize Tool

If it is a custom pack, we recommend doing the following steps to update all subscriptions:
  • Go to CRU CLUB → Settings
  • Click Recalculate All button

Note: Doing this might result a request timeout depending on how many subscriptions you have on your site. If you encounter a timeout, just reload the page and the calculation of subscriptions will continue.

After syncing or recalculating all subscriptions, we recommend to update the dynamic pricing on each product if you also want to increase discounts on normal purchases for members.
See for reference here: Dynamic Pricing - User Guide

Change from Synchronize Renewals to Rolling Subscription

  1. Edit all subscription products. Change Synchronise renewals to Do not Synchronise.

  2. Navigate to CRU Club -> Packs
  3. Click the pencil icon inline the Pack Name.

  4. Click the pencil icon inline on the subscription variation and a form will show on the lower portion of the page.

  5. Make sure that Manual Subscription is unchecked.
  6. Uncheck Synchronize Dates.

  7. Click Edit Item. Note that you will need to do steps 4-7 if the pack has more than 1 variations
  8. Once all variations were updated on the pack, click Save Changes.

Note: You need redo from step 3 if you want to change multiple packs


Setting Up Retail (Cellar Door) and Online New Member Workflows for Automatewoo

 If you are using the Automatewoo add-on in conjunction with CRU Club to trigger welcome emails for new members, you should have the below two workflows set up.

Cellar Door Signup Workflow

Cellar Door workflows will run if a customer was manually registered by a shop manager or admin on the back-end.
This workflow will trigger after changing the subscription from pending to active for the first time.
In order for this workflow to run, customer account should only have Cellar Door Signup as its tag and the this workflow did not ran for the customer before. If any other tags like Online Signup, Cellar Door Signup (Active) and Online Signup (Active) is present on the customer’s account, this workflow will not run.

Setting Up Cellar Door Signup Workflow

  • Add a name of the workflow
  • Select Subscription Status Changed on the trigger
  • Add Pending on the Status changes from row
  • Add Active on the Status changes to row
  • make sure to tick the box on the Recheck status before run row
  • Click Add Rule Group button to add your first rule
  • Add Workflow - Run Count For Customer → is less than → 1
  • Click and button to add a new rule
  • Add Customer - User Tags → matches none → Select tags Online Signup, Cellar Door Signup (Active) and Online Signup (Active). Note that you have to add these tags first
  • Add Customer - User Tags → matches all → Cellar Door Signup
  • 3 - 4 Actions needed to add. These are Send Email, Add tags, Add Contact to List or Add Contact To group depending if where you want to add your user on you mailchimp list. Click Add Action button every time you want to add a new action.
Send Email Action
  • Select Send Email on the Action row
  • Type {{ }} on the To row. You can click variables and copy their values here. Which might be helpful on other areasimage.png
  • Add your Email Subject
  • Add you Email heading
  • Select Woocommerce Default for the Template if you have no custom template
  • Add/type in your Email content. Here is a sample of email content
Hi {{ customer.first_name }},
The team  would like to welcome you to our Wine Club.
You'll not only receive your favourite wines delivered to your door, at our best prices, but you'll also enjoy the following exclusive and ongoing benefits:
Purchase limited-release and back vintage wines that are not available to the general public.
Exclusive access to private tastings in our Wine Experience Room for up to 15 guests (by appointment).
Invitation to exclusive tastings and special wine events.
VIP seating and complimentary Cuvee when dining in Restaurant.
Free shipping Australia-wide on all orders.
Ongoing discounts based on monthly commitment.
Jump into your account to view your Wine Club order details, switch between our pack options or update your own Wine Mix.

Your USERNAME is your email address: {{ }}
Your PASSWORD is your firstname + postcode + lastname  i.e. john4200smith
*We encourage you to update your password once you have logged in. Simply go to the Account Details tab within your Account page.

Seven days prior to your next shipment we'll send you an email to see if you would like to update your wine selection. If we don't hear from you, we'll simply provide the same order as before. Below is the order from your previous wine delivery or signup for your reference.
Your Wine Club pack contains:

{{ subscription.items | template: 'order-table' }}

Your Shipping Address:

{{ subscription.shipping_address }}

To access your account click here or click here to view our FAQ page.
If there's anything else the team can help you with, just email

Warm wishes,
The Team

Add Tags
  • Select Add Tags on the Action row
  • Select Cellar Door Signup (Active) tag on Tags row

Add Contact To List
Make sure that Mailchimp was setup on Automatewoo first.
  • Select Add Contact To List on Action row
  • Select the list you want the subscriber to be added to
  • Add {{ }} on the Contact email row
  • Add {{ customer.first_name }} on the First name row
  • Add {{ customer.last_name }} on the Last name row

Add Contact To Group
Make sure that Mailchimp was setup on Automatewoo first.
  • Select Add Contact To Group on the Action row
  • Select the list where your group is
  • Add {{ }} on the Contact email row
  • Select the group you want the subscriber to be added to
  • Tick Add contact to list if missing? checkbox
Make sure all these values were setup  and click Save button.

Online Signup Workflow
This workflow will run if a customer registers via front-end.
This workflow will trigger upon subscription creation or after checking out.
Customer should not have either Cellar Door Signup or Cellar Door Signup (Active) tag on their account and this workflow did not ran for the customer before.

Setting Up Online Sign Up Workflow

  • Add a name of the workflow
  • Select Subscription Status Created on the trigger
  • Click Add Rule Group button to add your first rule
  • Add Workflow - Run Count For Customer → is less than → 1
  • Click and button to add a new rule
  • Add Customer - User Tags → matches none → Select tags Cellar Door Signup and Cellar Door Signup (Active). Note that you have to add these tags first
  • 4 Actions needed to add. These are Send Email, Add tags, Change Role and Add Contact To group. Click Add Action button every time you want to add a new action.
Send Email Action
  • Select Send Email on the Action row
  • Type {{ }} on the To row. You can click variables and copy their values here. Which might be helpful on other areasimage.png
  • Add your Email Subject
  • Add you Email heading
  • Select Woocommerce Default for the Template if you have no custom template
  • Add/type in your Email content. Here is a sample of email content
Hi {{ customer.first_name }},
The team  would like to welcome you to our Wine Club.
You'll not only receive your favourite wines delivered to your door, at our best prices, but you'll also enjoy the following exclusive and ongoing benefits:
Purchase limited-release and back vintage wines that are not available to the general public.
Exclusive access to private tastings in our Wine Experience Room for up to 15 guests (by appointment).
Invitation to exclusive tastings and special wine events.
VIP seating and complimentary Cuvee when dining in Restaurant.
Free shipping Australia-wide on all orders.
Ongoing discounts based on monthly commitment.

Jump into your account to view your Wine Club order details, switch between our pack options or update your own Wine Mix.

Your USERNAME is your email address: {{ }}
Your PASSWORD is your firstname + postcode + lastname  i.e. john4200smith
*We encourage you to update your password once you have logged in. Simply go to the Account Details tab within your Account page.

Seven days prior to your next shipment we'll send you an email to see if you would like to update your wine selection. If we don't hear from you, we'll simply provide the same order as before. Below is the order from your previous wine delivery or signup for your reference.

Your Wine Club pack contains:
{{ subscription.items | template: 'order-table' }}
Your Shipping Address:
{{ subscription.shipping_address }}

To access your account click here or click here to view our FAQ page.
If there's anything else the team can help you with, just email

Warm wishes,
The Team

Add Tags

  • Select Add Tags on the Action row
  • Select Online Signup and Online Signup (Active) tags on Tags row

Change Role
  • Select Change Role on Action row
  • Select Subscriber on the User role row

Add Contact To Group
Make sure that Mailchimp was set up on Automatewoo first.
  • Select Add Contact To Group on the Action row
  • Select the list where your group is
  • Add {{ }} on the Contact email row
  • Select the group you want the subscriber to be added to
  • Tick Add contact to list if missing? checkbox
Make sure all these values were set up and click the Save button.

Adding Customer Tags
  • navigate through Users → Tags
  • Add the user tag name
  • add in the tag slug. If not specified, it will be auto generated. If not necessary, you can leave this
  • Add the description. This is optional
  • Click Add New Tag to save the new user tag

Checking if Mailchimp was Setup
  • Navigate through AutomateCRU/Automatewoo → Settings
  • Select Mailchimp tab
  • Make sure Enable integration checkbox was ticked
  • Make sure that there is a value on the API Key row (represented by dot).
  • If these are not setup, you can add these values and click Save Changes button to save your settings.


Adding Accolades to Products

  • On the edit product page, locate Product - Awards section
  • Click Add Row button to add an accolade
  • Enter Points or Number of the accolade under Points text field
  • Notes
    Points or Number of Gold/Trophy: If you are to select Gold or Trophy on Label, specify the number of gold or trophies the product garnered. If you are to select PTS, specify the number of Points.
    Please don't leave any of the fields blank.
  • Select what kind of award is the accolade under the Label field. Choose between Gold, PTS (points), and Trophy
  • Select what would be the background color of the accolade under Colorimage.png
  • Click Update button to save all your changes
  • image.png

You can add more than one accolades by repeating steps 2 - 5

Overview and pricing of this feature. Click here

Troubleshooting this feature? Click here

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